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At which point math stops being just plug n' chug?
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At which point math stops being just plug n' chug?
when you graduate from middle school
When you reach Teichmuller theory.
>At which point math stops being just plug n' chug?

If you're smart, it never is.

shut up you stupid faggot. everyone has to learn the calc sequence
After you finish the typical Calc1&2&3,DiffEq,LinAlg sequence.
During a powercut
>not going to a uni where diff eq requires analysis
When you realize that it isn't real yet is more beautiful than reality and you decide to give up on the Real world in favor of a Discrete mental universe.
when you have to iterate or discretize a problem to solve it.
numerical solution methods are uncertain and therefore results have to be treated with caution.
someone here using aspen or chemcad ? :D
Triple integrals
We proved most theorems in those courses.

So what?
If you think that there aren't interesting, fun 1st year university maths questions, or even interesting, fun highschool maths questions, you must not be very bright.
Proofs are literally the most boring parts of mathematics.
I'm a math babby -- only needed calc's 1-3, up to vector and multivariate, with diff.eq (for my minor). But it never felt like a plug and chug to me. I guess if you get through the courses by memorizing certain problems and processes, but I always felt like even the modest amount of math I took required creativity and a true understanding of the ideas.

Like a question about solving for some element of a helicoid with defining coords: you build the machine to solve the problem with your own set of "tools." A lot of the problems have numerous methods of computation. At least that's how I looked at it.
Proofs are the mathematical part of mathematics. Everything else is physics
Engineering student detected.

Mathematical proofs were probably the main thing that drove me to completely fuck engineering and study pure mathematics instead.

There is something just intrinsically beautiful in the fact that being a mere human, with the tool of mathematics, you can create absolute truths that should only be the realm of the gods.

[scispoiler] It also makes me feel smart and better than you when I can come up with a proof without needing to read the book[/scispoiler]

retard detected
>There is something just intrinsically beautiful in the fact that being a mere human, with the tool of mathematics, you can create absolute truths that should only be the realm of the gods.

implying the most fundamental concepts in mathematics aren't just agreements
implying there are gods
implying you know what the fuck you're talking about
when you choose
That's stupid.

Problem solving is the fun part of mathematics.

It's more fun to find the answer to a question that you don't know than be asked to come up with a justification for some final result the question setter gives you.
>Problem solving is the fun part of mathematics.

Engineer detected.
when it's not applied to physics anymore
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> a mere human, with the tool of mathematics, you can create absolute truths that should only be the realm of the gods.
>absolute truths
I have no words
>absolute truths
The axioms are wrong.
>proof me wrong
>protip, you can't
Right right it's soooooo much more interesting and fun to prove the chapman komolgorov equation than it is to say find the expected number of clumps resulting when 100 different cars drive down a highway equally spaced then all accelerate to their top speed until they bump into a car with a slower top speed in front of them at which point they slow to the top speed of the car in front of them and form a clump.
Here it is you take the calc,diff eq, linalg for scientists type classes and then you can take Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Proof based Linear Algebra, Proof based Diff Eq, etc.
>stop liking what I dont like.
Both things are good and mentally rewarding. But you must be fucking awful at proofs if you do not understand the sensation after doing one really neatly by yourself and have a professor check it just to boast yourself.
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