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What would happen if you used an oil rig to drill into a magma
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Thread replies: 23
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File: magma chamber.jpg (277 KB, 964x642) Image search: [Google]
magma chamber.jpg
277 KB, 964x642
What would happen if you used an oil rig to drill into a magma chamber?
>the floor is now lava

You mean while it's full of magma? Some kind of magma-related shenanigans, I'd wager.
Create obsidian
what would happen if you used an oil rig to drill into a smegma chamber?

I wouldn't place any hope in that sort of thing.


"With the projected further increase in temperature with increasing depth, drilling to 15,000 m (49,000 ft) would have meant working at a temperature of 300 °C (570 °F), where the drill bit would no longer work."

No drilling head ever designed by Humans will survive drilling into such hot pressurized rock. There's a limit to the science of materials.

Manoj Bhargava is a hack
quick question:

If no one has ever drilled to the mantle of the earth, let alone the core, how have we developed a model of what's beneath our feet?
Earthquakes full wave invertion
Basically, sonar. Reflected soundwaves from earthquakes mostly. Perhaps some from nuke blasts and other large explosions as well.
File: seizm.jpg (31 KB, 416x374) Image search: [Google]
31 KB, 416x374
seismic activity among other things.

We actually use earthquakes to measure the size of the earth's core
If we got through the mantle what then? infinite geothermal energy?
that's pretty fucking cool
File: Bane.jpg (49 KB, 470x706) Image search: [Google]
49 KB, 470x706
>What would happen if you used an oil rig to drill into a magma chamber?


Make babby
File: earth.gif (97 KB, 1325x558) Image search: [Google]
97 KB, 1325x558
if you would jump in a hole through the earth >would you stuck in the midle of the earth ?
>is there zerro gravitation ?
>the core
the earth is flat
I thought that was a pic of Smaug
You would stuck to the side of your tunnel eventually.
Thread replies: 23
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