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Is this used in applied sciences? if not, why?
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Is this used in applied sciences? if not, why?
Is that Conway´s game of life?
no use case to practically apply to

yes it is
in my first CS class I had to program that shit by the end of it.
>Is this used in applied sciences?
I don't think so
even conway himself thinks it's stupid
What's going on here??
google game of life
have an epiphany
It's used to teach modeling with cellular automata because it is straightforward and abstract.
Hmm, this looks familiar.

Here's a sparse matrix from a finite element method problem. All the black cells are nonzero entries into the [K] matrix.
Check out the live widget at https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juego_de_la_vida
My god that's an ugly sparse matrix. I'm guessing you haven't run it through cuthill-mckee yet
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