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Considering the vast number of people who have ever lived and
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Considering the vast number of people who have ever lived and the fact that we've only recently begun keeping rigorous records of longetivity, do you think a human has ever lived past age 122?
Methuselah was over 900
Yes, the Bible has many reports of such people.
Almost certainly not. If living to 122 is 1/7 billion now WITH modern medicine, it would be an even smaller likelihood in the past, and since there weren't 7 billion people living in all of past history combined, there's basically no chance.
>there weren't 7 billion people living in all of past history combined
You are so dum
The estimated population of humanity over the course of its run on Earth is estimated to be around 30 billion IIRC

About 100 billion people lived on earth.
Jeanne calment didn't buy into the whole medicine shit, she was au naturale
>there weren't 7 billion people living in all of past history combined

you are wrong on the internet scifriend

also that cake in OP looks like it's the board /2/

okay okay. sheesh.

The point still remains the odds are astronomically low.

Doesn't mean she didn't benefit from all of the positive externalities associated with everyone around her embracing modern medicine .

It's possible. But it's becoming more possible with Western medical care to see people push up the maximum living age by something like 1 year every 15 years. I don't know the exact metric and would like to see some base numbers to support this assertion.
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