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>that video
>those comments
>people like this exist
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take that, stem geeks :^)
is acting retarded a new form of making arguments now ?
checkmate stemfags.
christianity - 1, atheism - 0
>build a wall
>put these people behind the wall
The point of learning these things is the thinking behind it. If you can't do it, then you are retarded. So even if I teach you basic finance/taxes you would still fail because you do not know how to think. Trust me, the education system know this, and they don't teach you because you're too stupid. You would complain and still make the same mistakes as the financial illiterates. Education is not the problem, people are the problem. You can't teach stupid people
I think he's kidding.
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>I'm failing ap physics lolz i got 11 points out of 55 on my last test :D

>Mfw this video is fucking real
>Mfw people people in comment section exist
>Mfw I read my entire physics textbook, math textbook, and History textbook in 2 months during school while keeping up with my other classes.

Shit actually made me legitimately sad in the beginning when I though he was legit. Then he said "I'm smart. I'm just going to say it" and I died inside a little bit.
Reminds me of that stupid 4 panel thing about some fucks in a math class who doesn't get imaginary numbers, then blames the school system why they aren't teaching them how to balance a checkbook

>not even trolling
What do these people want to learn ?

How to pay taxes ?
Then what ?

What a fucking interesting life.

>paying $10000 a year to learn how to pay taxes
>needing to learn how to pay taxes
>implying mathematics does not present above and beyond the necessary skills required to pay taxes
Fucking this. Fucking a thousand times this. I don't want my tax dollars to go to Tyrone's bithching about school.
People hate stuff. More news at 11.
That person is retarded. Balancing a checkbook is easy. If you need to be taught how to do it, then you are a lost cause. People blame someone else for their mistakes. Quite common with stupid people.
Its not Tyrone. Its Cletus, Billy Bob, Tyrone, Juan, Lupe, Tanshisha, whatever redneck name for a girl. They all complain either way. They have no self-control, nor any thinking capacity. The current education system works. The problem is the people. The teachers are shit, and the students are entitled shitlords. I know I've made mistakes in my schooling and that's my fault. I'm correcting those mistakes, and suffering those consequences. But at least I know its my fault.
Knowing how to solve PDEs is pretty important for lots of things in real life. Just because most people are semiliterate savages who do nothing useful doesn't mean there are no activities to do other than masturbating and watching TV.
>whatever redneck name for a girl

Billy bob
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Same here anon I was a entitled shitlord for the past 3 years, Just started to get my shit together recently.

But now I am actually doing something. Don't worry bro as long as you keep on it and be consistent you can make it. I'm about to finish two, year long courses by Christmas, and I am on my way to getting straight A's for the fist time in three years. I'm not planing on stopping either, that's the main thing really, you are your own main obstacle. When you quit dishing out excuses you will get shit done.

I'm pretty much taking physics with almost no prior knowledge in math (since I haven't paid attention in three years) so it's tough but I'm managing and exceeding in the course with about 6 chapters ahead in 2 weeks.

No excuses.

Everything going against me right now is my own fault anyways, I have nobody to blame but myself, and i'm not going to act like I do.
That was pretty funny. And obviously he's just got different interests than physics. He said it was boring, not that he's totally failing at it. I don't see what the problem is.
When ya'll get older you'll understand that people being interested in different things than you are is fucking great. Imagine movies and music made by your average nobel laureate
Can you not tell he is joking?

Every time I see "I failed because teachers/lecturers/tutor sucks" I can guarantee > 95% of the time its the student being a lazy shit, like I was in first year. Almost lost my honours, but I turned it around.
I think it's 50-50 joke serious.
What really gets to me is when I see someone trying to get there shit together again, but someone peer pressures them into failing again. Just because you are going to be working at McDonald's doesn't mean other anon has to too.

I don't see much wrong with the "oppression" of dumbfucks who have already fucked up to much to change. But when they try and make someone else a dumbfuck it get's to me ,but I mean I guess the kids gotta learn to stand up for themselves sooner of later so Idk.
I was agreeing that math is important and anything you learn in school. The mistake I made was writing it in a vague prose. Sorry about that anon. PDEs is very important because the thinking, problem solving, and reasoning is very critical to any human being. Most people want to learn something "useful". The word useful is subjective. Which most people do not know.
I graduated and I will do a second degree in my late 20s. Right now, I'm jsut tired of school but I know I messed up. But I want to either Math/CS or Math/Biophysics.
I understand anon. I guess everyone has to take a break sometime. Everyone is different. But as long as your drive is not diminished do to your break I suppose it's alright.
That drive doesn't go away. Unless you have kids.
If you want to learn a subject, or know a use for a subject, then you have reason to study the subject. If you are studying to get a degree to help you get a job, then that's all it is.

Studying math because you think it will prepare you for life is a terrible idea. Doing something like working a job, any job, will teach you way more useful things.

There's nothing wrong with studying math because you like math, but you're out of touch with reality if you think studying PDE's will shape your brain to help you handle real life scenarios.
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Holy fucking cringe. This is giving me douche chills.
>unattractive beta nerd
>can't even into STEM
not gonna make it brah
Someone needs to make an orderly line to cancle the lives of these people.
You just sunk their battleship.
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what the fuck is the point of living if people like this exist
I mean, this is just how kids are

Its what kids do, for ever, until they graduate and get a job.
>fail AP Physics in high school with a 40
>get 4 on AP exam
>drop out of HS in general
>started in Calc-based Physics and Calc II at college
Only dumb people can succeed in AP classes.
my AP physics course felt pretty hard
it made me man the fuck up about school grades since i'd never had to try before
the only actual part of high school that prepared me for college which was mostly a breeze after the weedout classes
He's the average /v/ or /r9k/ looking guy, maybe he can find acceptance in their arms?
this gif makes me cum fucking buckets every time I see it
Are you guys edgy faggots? I did maths and sciences as far as I could in school and when I look back I realise the maths was all useful but almost all of the chemistry, biology, and physics courses were stamp collecting bullshit.

Maybe if you're wikipedia skimming fedoratard then you think a subject such as biology, where all we did was literally memorise the contents of 2 or 3 thick workbooks, gives you a "real understanding".

Although in response to this >>7644656 , the guy should've done maths and stopped whining
TIL apples weight 2kg
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>is acting retarded a new form of making arguments now ?


Also satanic trips
he's getting married.

https://www.facebook com/agasthyaps?hc_location=ufi
>They all complain either way. They have no self-control, nor any thinking capacity.
In less extreme terms, I think you're on the money. Talking to your average Cletus, you'll hear exactly the same thing about "Damn, after pay day I spend all my money then I'm poor for the rest of the month HAHAHA". People who just live to spend their money on beer at the weekend, and that's their entire life. They don't understand doing their taxes because they never put the effort in to learning it properly.

Also, if education only taught you about basic shit for daily life, lots of kids would never be inspired to make art, study engineering, study science or do anything interesting.
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Another tumblr gem
I almost threw my computer the last six times I saw this on facebook
Ripoff of a Calvin & Hobbes joke, but not as funny, and two decades later.
I remember in Ontario they used to teach grade 12 students about winding numbers. Obviously that's a terrible idea. Maybe that's what you get when you put mathematicians in charge of creating the curriculum?
I dont get either the joke nor you being offended

fuck im getting old...
Theres no joke. I'm friends on facebook with a lot of people who study music and they bitch all day and night about how hard their lives are. And that just makes me resent them and their facebook posts.
Well. Time to kill myself.
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Not same anon,

I tried uni when I was 20 didn't like it, did a trade in an industry that allows me to earn more than I would of with the degree I was getting. I'm now 29 and I'm taking first steps to get back to uni for 2017.

I reckon anon will be okay.
at around 1:42 he says that he doesn't actually hate physics
He's right though. I stopped caring about math when I was introduced to the concept of imaginary numbers. What a crock of shit. If your equation can only be solved by inventing numbers that can't exist, like some kind of math deity , then you are fucking wrong and the math is flawed. Same for algebra solutions that basically say "the correct answer is whatever the correct answer is". Thats what the math said transcribed to words but god forbid if i wrote in down in english instead of the ancient math runes the teacher word mark me wrong.

Math is logical and numbers never lie my ass. Math is just as flawed as any other human construct.
Even though the name is sketchy, "imaginary" numbers are very real and have useful applications. Most electrical problems are solved through them.
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>inventing numbers that can't exist

>implying reals can exist
>implying naturals can exist
>implying "thing" and "not thing" can exist
>implying the entirety of maths isn't invented and has any natural connection to the real world other than being a convenient model in some parts

You little filthy pot licker.
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