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I'm guessing non-Americans browse this board? My question
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You are currently reading a thread in /s4s/ - Sh*t 4chan Says

Thread replies: 30
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I'm guessing non-Americans browse this board? My question is, why?
nique ta mère sale pédé d'americain

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
File: kero kero suruna.png (43 KB, 183x176) Image search: [Google]
kero kero suruna.png
43 KB, 183x176

I don't understand why anyone browses this board.

For a while I assumed the posters were all elementary-school students.

But then I began to wonder if they are all autistic middle-aged women.

Truly, this incoherent board makes no sense and it's hard to understand who actually gets something out of participating.
amerikanski can die cyka blyat
/b/ for people who buy useless balls of hair and dogshit in the shape of adventure time characters on etsy lmfaoo

Thank you for illustrating my point.

You know, once I was on the bus in a big city, and two homeless black men were having a loud conversation. But when I listened more closely, I realized they weren't having a conversation at all, but they were simply talking loudly at each other. One was talking about Cuba and Russia and the other was talking about pop music.

That's pretty much how I view /s4s/ --- several crazy people talking loudly, thinking they are "communicating" with each other.
lol u dint eben got skol

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
nice dubs
The Denver broncos am I right
Hut hut hut hut hut
not 2 be a homophone
but that's very hetero
You're still browsing here though
the context is that the meme is "s4s is like old /b/" (hence good), and the truth is that it is shit for a certain kind of terrible, mostly female person (was in re: "But then I began to wonder if they are all autistic middle-aged women.")
cuz whities gon die soon and we gonna replace yo jive ass cucked ass white ass
i like memes
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Russia is better.

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because I am actually free
this with the same pic but it unironically
dumb easterposter go back to >>>/int/
y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yyour just mad you freaking yurocuckold delete this right now btw trump will MAGA so ur wrong anyways so DELETE THIS FUCKER DELETE THIS WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH
american must be pretty great if not knowing about sudan is a problem
anon, please
our friend easter is a toad
toads are nice
frogs are dumb
>be each
hi moot
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911 KB, 250x250
Have you come here stoned? It makes a whole lot more sense when you're high.

Your fortune: Good Luck
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this is frogposting I can get behind
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you should have recorded it and posted it to vocaroo, m90

[s4s] is mostly garbage, but it's kind of fun to just sit back, relax, and shitpost -- er, funpost. It's significantly more fun if you have an image editor open and are willing to just fuck around with whatever pictures people post and go with the flow. Occasionally, people even have coherent discussion (but that even happens sometimes on /b/, so it's not farfetched an idea).
commencing board inversion
shit fuck yeah dued
it's like the flow's all different
Thread replies: 30
Thread images: 7

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