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Tim Allen AMA
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Hello everybody! I'm famous comedian and car enthusiast Tim Allen. I've been in sitcoms such as "Home Improvement" and "Last Man Standing". I grew in the mitten state, near to the motor city, and I love fast cars! Ask me anything!

Why did you get arrested for cocaine?
Why did you get arrested for cocaine?
Why were you at the site of this tornado? Were you involved in its fruition?

Why did you get arrested for cocaine?
File: chihaya3.jpg (1 MB, 2809x4000) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2809x4000
Who is best Idol?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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42 KB, 600x280
I would have to say John Wayne Gacy! I really learned my acting skills from him.
Why did you get arrested for cocaine?
Why did you get arrested for cocaine?
fuc u
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28 KB, 655x486
why is your mediocre comedy considered interesting and why haven't you killed yourself by now? soon you'll be making hearing aid commercials and selling life insurance on TV and maybe even your own new show in which you are a security guard in an old folks home and you suck penises for change. great future man. you are as pathetic as that mall cop guy whose name isn't worth remembering. have a nice day loser.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
hey tim did you ever have a threeway with the actors that played your wife and Wilson on that show you were on

Your fortune: Godly Luck
Why did you get arrested for cocaine?
Did you tooted?
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