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today im going to smoke some resin and probably go insane we'll
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File: 1460102902385.jpg (533 KB, 1148x1800) Image search: [Google]
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today im going to smoke some resin

and probably go insane

we'll find out
File: spiderman butt.png (236 KB, 540x405) Image search: [Google]
spiderman butt.png
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now thats what i call an intelligent face
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abv's where its at

murder your dumbass self
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nah, how about you check'em, kid
slit your own throat first murder your ugly mom and dirt dad though
File: Katz.jpg (18 KB, 360x581) Image search: [Google]
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this shit is taking forever to scrape.
face it
you need a new gig, princess
heat it up first you total dimwit
no 100% negative energy is all you give to cancer like that. split your dad's dick open and finger it bitch!
she's not naked because her pubic hair covers her crotch
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well no shit but theres like 50 pounds of it.

at least its all kush/sour resin. almost makes it worth smoking
Everyday that I wake up I pray to God that you won't.
are you sure you don't want to talk this out?
God doesn't destroy, bro.
He rehabilitates.
He has something called, warm-hearted gentleness.
It's really the best thing for everyone if you look at the situation from an objective standpoint. Convince me to pray for you otherwise.
He doesn't need your pity reply.
what are you even going on about?
>God doesn't destroy

You must have never even glanced inside a Bible because it proves you wrong in so many cases.
God is love.
Love is gentle.
Love is respectful.
Love is patient.
But I don't. I look at it from my standpoint. My self-imposed prison. My little slice of hell :)

Fuck objectivity. I'm the center of this reality.
God is nice
We are gods
Not actualized Gods,
but still Gods.
speak for yourself im actualized bitch
You're on Earth.
You are not.
Everyone has fallen from grace, here.
Everyone besides the creator.

But... if we continue on our journey, we will eventually BE LIKE GOD,
i actualize u dont bitsch
those are dubs.
nice trips

VERY mean and NOT NICE at all. Delete this at once please.
Don't do it Anon, you're gonna die!
I used to smoke rez all the time coughin up black shit & shit aint worth it fampai just get yo boi to spot
it's like 99% tar bro why even
this isn't tumblr
fuck off
is this true
gives you a headchange tho, but not a good one
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