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explain this please
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File: what.png (875 KB, 1067x666) Image search: [Google]
875 KB, 1067x666
explain this please
how about you explain these double dubs
Every girl secretly craves to have her head ridden on by a man's pixelated balls.
tom green
File: Kornheiser_Why.jpg (23 KB, 288x499) Image search: [Google]
23 KB, 288x499

WHY does my benis react ?
explain how this thread got all the double dubs?

also checked :)
I wish guys would place their balls all over my head & face tbh.
She is lucky girl
File: s4stan.png (143 KB, 997x1809) Image search: [Google]
143 KB, 997x1809

ur welcome :)
"His Balls On My Head!" by Tenicho Uoyguf
luck had nothing to do with it
wish they censored the guy's ass

can't be doin with this
File: file.png (2 MB, 1064x1500) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1064x1500
me on the bottom
wow that was completely heterosexual and not confusing at all
i cant explain that, i have no idea what ball on head is supposed to mean.
it could be something sports related.
alright now i'm excited

i require the sauce
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