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dumb frogposter? hahaha TAKE THIS FUCKERS
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dumb frogposter?

no pls
lol u mad
I must say, if this is OC, very well done OP. Quality thread as well
Man I wouldn't eat those. They are so full of fat because they are FAT FUCKS
nice projecting
i don't think you know what that word means
i love u
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Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
>believing in freudian gobbledygook

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as a concept it makes sense though, they just didn't use it right. i was saying that OP is mad because it seems like due to being called a "dumb frogposter" they retaliated by turning swagman into a facebook frog and had him grilling up bury nice girls. it seems like a relatively safe assumption, however their use of projecting was a projection in and of itself, as my accusation of their madness was not in any way related to my own emotions at the time and I was not mad and/or projecting
You don't know what you're talking about dingus
trips conform
Nice trips bby
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omg its happening
if this what frogposters do, then you must see why we don't like frogposters
Whoa man, I just said I liked your OC & thread, no need to suck my dick
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