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(You) r so special 2 me bb
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You are currently reading a thread in /s4s/ - Sh*t 4chan Says

Thread replies: 22
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File: 1459658915257.png (615 KB, 1080x605) Image search: [Google]
615 KB, 1080x605
(You) r so special 2 me bb
off by two
File: 1459457716924.png (11 KB, 295x310) Image search: [Google]
11 KB, 295x310
thx bb ilu
Aww nice
wow this is pretty cool it's like a 3d rendering of a fictional character created to represent this particular imageboard, i like it, it's really good
File: 1457157679674.jpg (329 KB, 1500x1500) Image search: [Google]
329 KB, 1500x1500
birthday swag
this is nice thread
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1457775032188 (1).png
411 KB, 1078x1400



checkin these SWEET doubles!!!! nice job!
File: 1424445553693.jpg (47 KB, 364x378) Image search: [Google]
47 KB, 364x378
Reminder that keksandra is for lewd
i checke dube
File: 1459489226325.png (87 KB, 351x651) Image search: [Google]
87 KB, 351x651
thx 4 the (You)
File: 84o.webm (2 MB, 320x240) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 320x240
me irl
This is nice breaste
sweet dubs fam
[ ] Not told
[ ] Told
[X] Cash4told.com
[X] No country for told men
[X] Knights of the told Republic
[X] ToldSpice
[x] The Elder Tolds IV: Oblivious
[x] Command & Conquer: Toldberian Sun
[x] GuiTold Hero: World Told
[X] Told King of Boletaria
[x] Countold Strike
[x] Unreal Toldament
[x] Stone-told Steve Austin
[X] Half Life 2: Episode Told
[x] World of Warcraft: Catoldclysm
[X] Roller Coaster Toldcoon
[x] Assassin’s Creed: Tolderhood
[x] Battletolds
[x] S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shatold of Chernobyl
[X] Toldasauraus Rex 2: Electric Toldaloo
[x] Told of Duty 4: Modern Toldfare
[X] Pokemon Told and Silver
[x] The Legend of Eldorado : The Lost City of Told
[X] Rampage: Toldal Destruction
[x] Told Fortress Classic
[x] Toldman: Arkham Told
[X] The Good, The Bad, and The Told
[x] Super Mario SunTold
[x] Legend of Zelda: Toldacarnia of Time
[X] Toldstone creamery
[x] Mario Golf: Toldstool Tour
[X] Super Told Boy
[X] Left 4 Told
[X] Battoldfield: Bad Company 2
[x] Toldman Sachs
[X] Conker’s Bad Fur Day: Live and Retolded
[x] Lead and Told: Gangs of the Wild West
[x] Portold 2
[x] Avatold: The Last Airbender
[X] Dragon Ball Z Toldkaichi Budokai
[x] Toldcraft II: Tolds of Toldberty
[x] Leo Toldstoy
[x] Metal Gear Toldid 3: Snake Eater
[X] 3D Dot Told Heroes
[x] J.R.R Toldkien’s Lord of the Told
[x] Told you that ps3 has no games
[X] LitTOLD Big Planet
[x] Rome: Toldal War
[x] Gran Toldrismo 5
[x] Told Calibur 4
[x] Told Fortress 2
[x] Castlevania: RonTold of Blood
[x] Guilty Gear XX Accent Told
[x] Cyndaquil, Chicorita, and Toldodile
[x] was foretold
[x] demon’s told
I saved this picture.
I sexually Identify as a steel beam. Ever since 9/11 I dreamed of getting drawn closer and closer to my melting point by jet fuel under the Twin Tower letting them drop on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a steel beam is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install steel beams and jet fuel on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Steel Beam” and respect my right to not melt by jet fuel and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a steeliphobe and need to check your metallic privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
cucksandra chan so kawaii
triples, and time nubs
ding dong

Thread replies: 22
Thread images: 7

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