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File: demon-girl-1.jpg (303 KB, 1000x933) Image search: [Google]
303 KB, 1000x933
imagine meeting this demon girl in rl
it would be quite terrifying desu
>She puts that blade of hers behind your neck
>and slowly pulls it to move you closer to her.
>With a little bit more force she could easily decapitate you.
>She constantly looks you in the eyes
>probably expecting you to beg for your life very soon
>or just going to play with you a little more.
>That way or another you are in no position but to obey her.
>If you say the right things maybe she will spare your life.
>But you better be honest and speak your heart
>because the itching in your forehead you feel
>means she can read your mind like a book.
>You are merely a weak human, more like a pray to her
>so you better behave like one and know your place.
>And no, groveling and crying won't do the job.
>You must have some value and honor
>to count on her accepting you as her new toy.
>After all don't expect her to collect worthless rubbish.
>And if you somehow succeed in saving your life
>you better be grateful and show it appropriately
>which is on your knees and with pure thoughts.
>Think how much you love and worship her now
>and accept belonging to her now as her mere plaything.
>And you better get used to it, as you are hers forever.
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just kill me xD
0-4 play MGS V
5-9 play Gravity Rush
Dubs play REmake
Whom are thou quotting?
If she can read my mind, then I have no choice.

In my last few seconds of life, I think to her: "fuck you demon girl, you have no right to take anyone's life, lives have value you know. Killing beings who can't possibly fight back doesn't make you strong, it makes you a complete coward.".
she just threatens you ans shows you her power
she won't kill you if you surrender unto her
basically you're describing a succubus. demon girls are not succubus, they have futanaria.

i suggest you to lurk more /x/, op
i say "heh... so that's the way it's gonna be......."
I teleport behind her and do a super hyper 200 stab combo in a split second. She dies easily.
"Why don't you think next time you try to cross me....."
I slowly walk away like a total bad*ss.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
no. you are dead. joke on you.
/x/ is 99% about roleplay
and so are you
stop talking this bullshit already
as you know nothing about this
how do I meet one?
who are you quoting?
>imagine meeting this demon girl in rl it would be quite terrifying desu

>as you know nothing about this

kill yourself
yes. you know nothing.
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spiderman butt.png
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shut up already and post more

>hers forever

Well. So this is how it ends.... fuck. I thought there'd at least be beer.
It starts like this

>ends like this I had to read it.
i would just take my pill tbh
do want
kill self pls
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