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Where does [s4s] keep their memes? Do you put them online? If
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File: genocide.jpg (31 KB, 495x595) Image search: [Google]
31 KB, 495x595
Where does [s4s] keep their memes? Do you put them online? If so, where? or do you just keep them on your computer?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
bad thread...


or not?
It has been decided.... .....
or not?
File: spiderman butt.png (236 KB, 540x405) Image search: [Google]
spiderman butt.png
236 KB, 540x405
my memes go up my pinker
:^) bad meme
i keep them on the windows95 macbook gnu gentoo linux systems32 PC cloud drive minus the systems32 because everyone knows it must be delet
u keep telling that to ur shelf kid
show some respect do you not know who he is?

....or not?
File: 1459128520066.gif (75 KB, 772x57) Image search: [Google]
75 KB, 772x57

stupid namefigs
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