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Figger Radio
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Thread replies: 24
Thread images: 17
File: figger.jpg (26 KB, 512x570) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 512x570

Hi, welcome to a very short episode of Figger Radio! I'll be playing you a little bit of music, you will be able to download it and the previous shows here: hearthis.at/figget/
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Figget, is the stream supposed to be skipping like that?
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sound is kill
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sound is still kill
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460 KB, 294x210
I refreshed the page and everything is working now.

Thanks for making your magic, Figget/:
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nice :^)
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stream is kill again
nice dubs!
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I refreshed again, and the first song started playing over.
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nice dubs checking
wow gj again!
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am disappoint
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it keeps getting stuck...
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nice dubs
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2 MB, 200x150
Someone call mattyb to come fix it...
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sum 1 pls ficks
nice dubs

working fine for me

music sounds great.

good selection figger


I'm too dumb to computer apparently...
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75 KB, 334x270
Show is up for download on hearthis.at/figget/ , thanks for listening :^)
Thread replies: 24
Thread images: 17

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