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A Riddle ...
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There are 40 men eating cheese. 39 of them are genius's while one is a complete fucking idiot who should never have been conceived.

Which one is Donald Trump?
Number 29
trick question. he is the cheese.
he's in the pic
God I hate riddles, but this one seems alright.
Donald trump is number 4113089
40 / 1 = 40 he's all 40

I actually don't know the solution myself. It's certainly an ingeniusly put-together riddle. No one I know can figure it out.
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the one who ate the cheese first
the one who will make america great again

While this is an intriguing solution, I doubr it's a viable one. The concept of "great" modifying the subject of "America" is vague to say the least.
none, d. trump is out getting mad pussay (PUSSSSSSSSAAYY)
Your post have just been brought down.

Interesting proposal ... made more likely by the fact of DUBS ...

Brilliant. I never thought of it that way. Could this be the answer we've been looking for?
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Even though [es4es] was in faced create for the autistic to talk to the others I think we should allow world leaders to speak without the did you talk to or ask? And be the part that helped but somebody knew, did anyone know did anyone view the burning river two, go back if you like to but what we have here is pre-pre bottled fug you in dug out and digg my fig diff I want to help Awooooo become man again if she double mind switch and want to stick dick on, fuck it I'll super glue two then she'll be fucking 2, but I'm just about warmed up thanks for fuck you freedom of thought that's not caught, I live in all of you.
ew, oh no i do not like that meme, it is not ironic enough
das a dub bub

Not entirely sure how this is prudent to the subject matter, but any and all suggestions are welcome (I guess) ...
shut UP meme snob. why not try and be a meme BOB, just for once!

Everyone, we must stay on track. The solution to this riddle could have profound consequences on the sociological lines our society defines itself by.
there are more pressing matters the ridller, the entire state of memes is on the line right now
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what if donald trump was genious and steven pinker was the none genious

My own theory on the riddle's solution is that the cheese is paramount to the solution itself. Perhaps "cheese", in this sense, is not a THING but a PERSON? If so, the riddle takes on a whole new meaning. The 40 men eating another person named Cheese means there may be 41 men instead of 40, assuming Cheese is not a woman. If it is a woman, then this has to imply this is Donald Trump's mother or relative, but I'm not certain about this. I hope others might shed some more light on the intricacies of what I've begun to call the "Trump Enigma".

The trips, my friend, give your argument much more validation in my eyes. I've always been under the impression Donald may have been the "fucking idiot", but this may turn out to be untrue. If we add Steven Pinker into the equation, then we must rethink how society has construed itself into such an inalienable position. Indeed, we must reconsider the very meaning of what it means to be human.
these trips... these dubs... we may be onto something big here guys
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>three years of hugs
>then we start with a view to emplay everyone imagine dropping one thing, now imagine dropping the same thing last every time. Currency. It's learn not natural to the mathematical world it's ingrained in society that buzz word that vibrates the subconscious I'm changing, but the world yearns for it I hear it in every creak of the floor board don't get me started I feel the like the first prick that suggested the dicktatership on the only pre-historic camping trick and the handle of mental stead fast and now I'm a horsey is easy to split and take a closer look at bothe but I'm only up to "8" sir Higgs mane had done opened a can of worms like that once a month metting on the forth every month and try to be certain a tree falls for all but me to see negitive binary with paper that was to futuristic in 1982. Hawk wing I'm aff ta Sweden
>fashion is safe blue hair every where

Thread resurrection.

It's been several hours and still no solution has been reached. I fear this may never be solved. Perhaps another of the many geniuses on 4chan can answer this absolutely confounding riddle?
Fugg cheese and all cheese eaters lol

Perhaps you have a point. The "cheese-eaters" may not be essential to the riddle whatsoever. Perhaps we should be concentrating on the "fucking idiot who shoukd have never been conceived"?

Wait ... who the hell are you? Get out of my thread!
plot twist: Donald Trump is lactose intolerant
The answer is....OP. He is taking breaks eating cheeses between his 4chan.org posts. But what gave it away was this:


I passed grammer school so I know that OP is the complete idiot here. Its supposed to be written "geniii" which is the plural for genies.
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Pic related here is 1 of the 40 genies
this guy just did it. freaking geanious

Very interesting theory. Maybe I was the fucking idiot all along. But this raises the issue of what Donald Trump has to do in the equation. Would the creator of the riddle truly want to throw such an obvious red-herring at us? Of course, if your theory is correct, I could be just spurting crap out of my mouth since I'm, after all, a "complete fucking idiot".

Hey, who the hell are you stealing all my lines?!

Anyways ... very interesting theory. Maybe I was the fucking idiot all along. But this raises the issue of what Donald Trump has to do in the equation. Would the creator of the riddle truly want to throw such an obvious red-herring at us? Of course, if your theory is correct, I could be just spurting crap out of my mouth since I'm, after all, a "complete fucking idiot".

It's been almost 24 hours and still no solution. Which one is Donald Trump, people?! I'm starting to get desperate for an exact answer.
I think he's ur mum lol

Donald Trump is the prostate cancer that they have
Donald Trump is your dubs.

Very intriguing theory. Also, does that mean YOUR dubs are Donald Trump as well?
Donald Trump is Dubs-tate Cancer?
ur mom lmao

Perhaps you have a point. My mother DOES look like Donald Trump, after all. By God, perhaps this is the breakthrough this riddle has been waiting for!
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