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>When u get t boss down to 1HP and he kills u
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File: firesky.jpg (78 KB, 475x275) Image search: [Google]
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>When u get t boss down to 1HP and he kills u
literally dont know this feel fam

f - u - g
oo u got me right there with that there tfw feel
checking dubs nite nao

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Whom art thou quotething?
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>when you miss dubs by one
>the boss get trips
>when u going for 1 credit clear and ur brother unplugs the controller
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>when it's Sunday and you can't by liquor until 12:30 and you have to wait outside the store in the cold
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>when your playing on the first level of atari combat as a bomber and the biplane wrecks you evertiem
>Error: You must wait 34 seconds before posting a reply.
>Error: You must wait 25 seconds before posting a reply.
>Error: You must wait 18 seconds before posting a reply.
>Error: You must wait 11 seconds before posting a reply.
>Error: You must wait 6 seconds before posting a reply.
>Error: You must wait 2 seconds before posting a reply.

Your fortune: Average Luck
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>When u try to discuss video game AI but ur computer keeps shutting off for no reason
nice dubs, but hear me out,,,,, what if its! jesus coming down from the ufo?
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No, because then he'd be coming down head-first

ah yes because they anal probed him
who r u guys quoting??
probably /v/ o________o
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Thread replies: 19
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