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Good Knight! Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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Good Knight!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
I have that mouse

Commendations on the dubs btw
Good Knight Phoner

Also nice dubs
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Hello there Anonymous,

My name is Patrick Bateman, and I am the President of the United Doubles Association, a group of passionate doubles-lovers like yourself who are kind enough to take the time out of their day to work hard at creating posts with doubles (or "dubs") for the rest of the community to check and enjoy. I would like to thank you on behalf of my team for creating this special, unique post. Thanks to your post, many users of [s4s] will have the opportunity to check the repeating digits which accompany your message, so I really do appreciate this contribution. It really does means a lot to us.

I'm unsure if you are aware of the staggering rareness of doubles. For every 10 posts on the board, only one (1) post has repeating digits, which is unfortunate, and the reason as to why we are so desperate to produce more posts that contain doubles. The more posts you make on [s4s], the more doubles you get, and the more our community will thank you for your effort and hard work.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing more doubles in your posts. You really are our savior.

Dr. Patrick Dubsworth Bateman

United Doubles Association

Knight Phoner.
Nice consecutive set of digits, cant let this thread die without check in them.
Get up, foner. Foner, get up.
Its time to wake up Phoner!
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