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*denies holocaust*
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You are currently reading a thread in /s4s/ - Sh*t 4chan Says

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File: LoneWOLF2272-3768987_480_640.jpg (40 KB, 480x640) Image search: [Google]
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*denies holocaust*
*falls in dokis*
File: tumblr_mbjtz2jTHn1r6w8wbo1_500.jpg (22 KB, 500x499) Image search: [Google]
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*gets effin ripped 420 everyday*
File: anime.png (481 KB, 768x480) Image search: [Google]
481 KB, 768x480

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
File: hKjie4z.gif (919 KB, 245x245) Image search: [Google]
919 KB, 245x245
okay, dude listen this meme will never catch on give up. you suck the whole board hates you, you're going to hell, live with it.
Prepare to suffer the curse...
could you please repeat that in japananese? i am a japananese student and i find it much easier to udnerstand if you post in japananese!
ching chong ling pong wang
좋아, 친구 는 이 밈 가 잡을 포기 않을 것 들어요. 당신은 당신이 지옥 에가는 그 와 함께 살고 있어 , 전체 보드 가 당신을 미워 빨아 .
File: BJ.png (240 KB, 431x436) Image search: [Google]
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Nazi scum
translation: Love, friends will not give up this meme Listen catch. You've got to live with him, you're going to hell, the whole board to suck hate you.
William "blow job" BLACKEDowicz
File: ristu album.jpg (104 KB, 1194x870) Image search: [Google]
ristu album.jpg
104 KB, 1194x870
Thread replies: 17
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