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File: IMG_5277.jpg (123 KB, 480x640) Image search: [Google]
123 KB, 480x640
cade, i wud like cades if they were nicer to doges in my own imo
gr8 c8
cool foxe
File: IMG_5271.jpg (105 KB, 480x640) Image search: [Google]
105 KB, 480x640
i tend to agree but pls relax. some cats can be cates.
oh sorry if you didn't hear me very good i didn't mean to be rude. i said "cool foxe"
File: 09876578.jpg (161 KB, 595x446) Image search: [Google]
161 KB, 595x446
it's called a cade my dude
sorry im deaf
please deradicalize your stance on cades. it is o.k. for there to be some cates.
File: bateman art.png (58 KB, 1080x899) Image search: [Google]
bateman art.png
58 KB, 1080x899
File: im-sorry.gif (57 KB, 449x376) Image search: [Google]
57 KB, 449x376
oh sh:^)t sorry my man I didn't know
File: allah cadebar.jpg (136 KB, 595x539) Image search: [Google]
allah cadebar.jpg
136 KB, 595x539
no, no, no, uve got it all wrong... :/
Thread replies: 17
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