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You are currently reading a thread in /s4s/ - Sh*t 4chan Says

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File: cyber.png (351 KB, 500x636) Image search: [Google]
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just look into this
how do you do that?
File: wha-.jpg (56 KB, 640x440) Image search: [Google]
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do what?
posting videos of le related memes... it's literally triggering me tbh

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
you want me to put a trigger warning in-front of them
trigger warnings are for >>>/tumblr/ tbh fam
it's only triggering because i don't comprehend how you do it
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so... don't moan about it, just except it
its part of you now

also im on youtube all the time so its easy
woah is that really how you imagine my being-triggeredness? tbh its wrong
YOUR being-triggeredness? what do you mean by that?
ok, that's better. seriously what the f*ck
wait what
sometimes i dont know if your doing it intentionally or not
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mfw im being gamed

but seriously though, how do you do it?

>it's only triggering because i don't comprehend how you do it
mfw this has now become true
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i just feel good.inc
i wasnt talking about you ---OH I SEE, i non-sequitorically attached weighted meaning to arbitrary experiences, which caused this sort of delusional brainfarting, i still wonder if the other "Yuji Sakai" poster know's that, it cant all just be in my mind

no wait, that alone can't be it, or can it? le wat? mfw i cant into logic
You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes
of course that must apply to you too, so in the end, you have as little control over my being-triggeredness as i do?
65 wat
Being triggered is a social construct
i lold so hard, you truly are kawaii
Thread replies: 22
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