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You are currently reading a thread in /s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women

Thread replies: 51
Thread images: 49
File: Zqz9OpS[1].jpg (203 KB, 976x1292) Image search: [Google]
203 KB, 976x1292
So the only reason why I ever got TiVO and such was to see telenovelas and such, because the women in them are just absolutely insanely hot.

I'll dump magazine scans of some photoshoots of my favorites. Some of these aren't particularly good scans, though, but better than nothing, I guess.

Starting off with Mariana Rios.
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ANGI BOYER (1).jpg
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Now Angelique Bouyer.
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Now with Erika Honstein, some weather girl.
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Favorite pic of her.
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A personal favorite of mine now, Luz Elena Gonzalez.
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File: Wendy Gonzalez 01.jpg (602 KB, 812x1066) Image search: [Google]
Wendy Gonzalez 01.jpg
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Another delicious hottie.
File: Wendy Gonzalez 02.jpg (556 KB, 812x1066) Image search: [Google]
Wendy Gonzalez 02.jpg
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http://famosasderevista.net dude check this out
hextremofull dot blogspot dotcom There are also a bit of Playboy and other mags. But mostly consists of h extremo
File: Wendy Gonzalez 03.jpg (814 KB, 1624x1066) Image search: [Google]
Wendy Gonzalez 03.jpg
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Glad to see other enthusiasts. Who happens to be your favorite, anon?
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File: Wendy Gonzalez 13.jpg (520 KB, 812x1066) Image search: [Google]
Wendy Gonzalez 13.jpg
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Thread replies: 51
Thread images: 49

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