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Israeli & jewish women
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You are currently reading a thread in /s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women

Thread replies: 183
Thread images: 107
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Israeli & jewish women
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>No Eden Mor

Only the best thing to ever come out of Israel. Got to go to work now but if I don't see a dump of her by when I'm back, I'll donate you poor bastards some goodies.
I like this thread. Israeli a nice idea.
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Jewish women: well-educated, nice tits.
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Sometimes the only way to recognize a Jewess is by the Star of David she wears. That is, of course, assuming she chooses to wear one.
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Man, some jewish chicks just have a look that is sexy as dhit. Dark hair, dark eyes but light skin.

Keep going op. Anymore of the trump chick with perfect tits?
I like this! gonna post some shit when I get home
Yeah man I've just started getting into these sorts of women. I'm learning as I go on :P
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Try looking up some of her films on xvideo, by the way. Eden Mor has a lovely, sweet personality that is quite the delight to watch. Her Hebrew accent is also charming.
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>The kind of Jew you're far more likely to see than all those busty models
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>99% european ancestry
>mother is jewish

my keks
Uh, yeah, that's the definition of Judaism? Do you think all the girls who put on glasses and then get posted in "hot nerdy girls" threads really like Star Trek? It's about how a thing is perceived.
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What's good enough for Nazis to kill is good enough for us to fap to
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More amit friedman please
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How do you even tell if somebody's Jewish
Generally speaking it's one of the following (in descending order of trustworthiness):

1. They're "well known" characters (whether real celebrities like Bar Refaeli or established pornstars like Eden Mor), and it is known for a fact that they're Jewish/Israeli.
2. They say so on social media.
3. They wear a Star of David, clothing with Hebrew writing on it or take a photo of their home showing books in Hebrew.
4. They look Semitic but are clearly not Muslim.
5. Rumors/Conjecture (e.g. the internet is filled with people who "read somewhere" that Anita Silver is Jewish so it's taken as a fact even though nobody can point towards anywhere it was "originally" said)
You forget:

6. They appear on The Seductive Jewess (nobody in the world knows where that website gets its supposed "information" about how all the pornstars are somehow Jewish. 99% likely they just make shit up.)
Average jewish women are so ugly man
So basically Russian women
Also Jewesses tend to have amazing yet pale titties
Generally they have terrible frizzy brunette hair too
Give it a few years on 4chan and you'll become a master at identifying them
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Average women are ugly in general. Overbrowsing /s/ has given you unrealistic standards of female beauty.
>Anita Silver 1
I would betray my christian core values for a chance at her.
Pretty sure Lollipop G isn't Jewish...
She's listed on The Seductive Jewess, which as I've mentioned before, is the least reliable of all internet sources regarding pornstars' Jewishness. I mean, sometimes you look something up there and you're like "Okay, I guess that's POSSIBLE...", but then they claim Hitomi Tanaka is Jewish and you're like "Yeah, they're making shit up."
I disagree. Most of the girls I know are quite pretty, though only a few classically beautiful. Those who aren't usually have health problems, which is usually a euphemism for loving chocolate a bit too much.
No, then I would've named the thread "Russian women". :^)
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Anyone have that slut with the red dreadlocks with the Jewish tramp stamp and the huge tits?
Must of searched long and hard for these cause most Jews are ugly as hell. Hence the term "too jewy" looking. Like big nose and curly hair.
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Jewish pussy is top tier.
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Gal Gadot.jpg
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Speaking of Wonder Woman...
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bar refaeli5.jpg
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Another of Bar Refaeli.
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Seems to be the only physical trait constant to Jewesses throughout the world is the boobs.
Jayme Langford is a jew?
She's got the Jew talisman, doesn't she?

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Half of these women aren't Jewish at all, teh fuck.
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Jewish MILF.. lives in Israel
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Hmm her name is bar refaeli and i know her LOL
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Rate her for nudes
Fucking smoking hot! Postem dude!
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If you like will post more later
Loving them dude thanks!
Check back in about 3-4 hours Ill do a big photo dump of her then
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Have moar, and pussy shots too
They are learning to shape shift with out it
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My JAP wife
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some more
Holy shit those tits. Fapping hard! Post more!
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more 3
Post one of those tits please??
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ok tits for you
Very nice! Does she know you share?
Anyone got some more Jewish Wonder Woman?
From the stacked rifles, it looks like a small unit of warriors was taken to the beach. From their bikinis, it looks like it wasn't an exercise, just a fun day out.
The rest of the soldiers are probably in the water while the two guard the stack.
Do they do it?
>durrr i can't into how religion works
Judaism is a weird mixture of religion and ethnicity, you may theoretically expect for some physical features to be "Jewish".
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She's French
She's also Jewish.
No cocks in /s/.
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Jews are an ethnic group above all else. The religion is a sideshow with no principles. Judaism is whatever serves the Jews at that time.
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>dildo is shiny and silky, presumably from being pulled out of her vagina
She is by far the hottest IMO. I'd make a colony with her.
Ew no.
>big boobs
Fucking peados
I'm sorry that you like cow utters
Some sexy jews
I have some samaritans, are they included?
Despite what they like to think Judaism is a religion not an ethnicity. If not I'll convert to North Koreanism and you can call me Jim Long Dong
pedophilia is a much bigger crime than bestiality.
Depends on the rabbi
that is a dope tshirt, anyone know where i can cop this?
Who is this chick? I know theres more, so damn hot.
Who's this?
Who's THIS?
Feel like I know her..
or maybe is she an actress.
more please... I am in love
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sarah side boobs.jpg
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Must be common practice in Israel
dat boobage tho
'tis the power of the Jewess
This is actually a water tunnel on the edge of Jerusalem that is fed by a spring somewhere at the end. You can crawl along it in the pitch black for most of the tunnel. It's pretty cool. Also I've never heard more Holocaust jokes, or have seen more beautiful woman, than I did while living in Israel.
Emily ftw!
It makes sense. I've never been there, but I have friends who have, and they say the Israelis have an extremely macabre sense of humor.
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>he does it for free
Yup, like most people on /s/.
I don't see the point... Why is religion even a point? There's absolutely nothing in common between >>16576714
and >>16586496
That's plainly retarded. You are actually jacking off because of a girl's religion?
Anyone got pics of any Hasidic girls? I used to live in Williamsburg and man oh man, they had some real amazingly natural stunners.
Too bad they dress like Muslims...
stay away from our women. enjoy the lox though
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No way! That's Rinat, where do you know her from? She guided us for three weeks in the IDF in 2007, she was our samal.
Please, /s/, how do I into Jewish waifus?
No it isn't. It's Hadar.
Wow, she israeli hot!
Religion is not an inheritable trait, goyim.
Thread replies: 183
Thread images: 107

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