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>walking past some old roastie >she starts walking faster
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>walking past some old roastie
>she starts walking faster to get away from me
>Leaving the cinema
>One of the female workers leaves the office as I pass it
>She's wearing a really cute white dress that exposes her back
>She sees me
>She shits her pants and runs away
>Despite the fact that I'm skinny as fuck
>Or that we were in the middle of building with other people around in view
>And only a few feet away from her office
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>late at night
>walking behind some chick near a bus station
>almost no one around
>she starts walking faster and faster
>looks behind her shoulder every few seconds
>cross the street and pretend like I don't even notice her
>she relaxes and slows down
>half an hour later I'm choking the bitch in a ditch
>drag her back to my car and burn her body in my bath tub
>live near college
>wear shitty clothes and shower every four days, so i always look like a sweaty shitbag
>always walk to college and library
>roasties in front of me lokks behind and subtly goes faster
>always keep pace with her and remain in same distance

i do this every time the occasion rises. They hate me anyway, might as well make the most of it. It feels fucking amazing to see a girl terryfied of me. Sometime i even do an obious grin when they look back at me.
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>walking behind some girl
>we're going the same direction for a long time
>she suddenly stands to the side
>waits for me to pass
>clearly thought I was following her

this shit is so insulting

fucking stupid cunt
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>walking home from a train station
>7/10 woman walking i front of me, roughly The same speed
>it's dark so she is obviously nervous, she started to walk quicker
>we apparently lived in The same apartment building
>so when we got The entrance she turned around, stared into my eyes and pulled out a small whissle
>she blew into that little thing with such force she woke up The whole building
>at this point im lying on the ground trying to get my hearing back
>suddenly about 5-6 guys run out of The building and started to beat me up
>this continued until Police arived to The scene, arrested me and drove me to The Police station
>i of course explained my innocence but still had to spend The night There
>next morning, They let me go home, never see The girl ever again, all of my neighbors still hate me though
>mfw im not even angry at her
This can't be real
gh gjghg
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Believe The hype
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This type of serial killers are the best.
>at this point im lying on the ground trying to get my hearing back
Taken out by a loud sound. You fucking asspie.
Did you notice it didn't physically knock down the girl who blew the whistle? That's because it didn't overstimulate her into an autistic coma. It's a whistle, not a gun.
>smug mikkelsen.
Lurking this shithole has yield something good. Thanks, anon!
If only this story were real. Everyone wants to walk super slow, pisses me the fuck off.

Did you press charges and file a lawsuit? If not then stop bitching. This would be an easy as fuck case.
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> im not even angry at her
What the hell are you talking about?

I'm sick of this "not original" bullshit, to be honest.
Why are people so shit?
Break into your neighbor's homes and kill them in their sleep until there's no more normies to stop you from raping her next time, senpai
why dont you shower more you disgusting faggot?
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Thank you for The support
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