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Media depictions of robots. This guy, holy shit I've never
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Media depictions of robots.

This guy, holy shit I've never seen a more accurate portrayal of robot life. Movie is Chronicle.
tfw this movie made me feel triggered about how most movies portray child abuse

So fucking sick of these shit threads.
I just realized how much I relate to a character and wanted to make a post about it to channel my feels.
Sorry if it upset you.
Didn't even know they were a regular thing.
Well fuck. I'm just gonna vent.
>cousin that brings him along to events where he's completely alienated from everyone
>gets abused a lot over misunderstandings
>easily manipulated and goes along with shit in hopes of positive things happening
>pretends he's picky with girls rather than literally having no standards and responds to any approval
>was (is in the movie) bullied in school
>father who wants to control him and constantly asserts dominance for no real reason
>ugly as sin and look worn as hell
>gets occasional attention from girls but doesn't know how to run with it
>nobody that understands
also works as a good robot revenge film, when he starts fucking shit up, like, imagine having his abilities?
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This guy in the film Calvary. Talks to the priest about he he never gets attention from women and how it makes him feel like killing people.
Dude was pretty normie to be honest
what movie is this from my familia?
Chronicle. It's in the OP.
>can only act out when in a mask
>completely cucked by everyone
>smart dude
The series does have its unrealistic stuff though. It's a comicbook. Like the stacy redhead would just laugh at Parker. Pretty sick of these intentionally deceptive portrayals of women. They're so incredibly harmful to people.
Stranger than Fiction. This movie actually made me wanna fuck Maggie Gyllenhaal.

The vast majority of Hollywood depictions are just wrong enough - the character reforms, or is just misunderstood, et cetera.

I thought the Swedish film Let the Right One In did it accurately, with the boy main character.

It's a shame there isn't much room for offbeat interesting films like that. Punch Drunk Love with Adam Sandler was actually well done and showcased his acting ability as well. Fits the thread.

Although the whole bringing 'flours' thing was too clever, a denizen of this place would never be that smooth.
>Movie is Chronicle
not that pox landis pile of shit?
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ghost world, let the right one in, donnie darko, fight club, one hour photo, taxi driver, mary and max, he was a quiet man, wristcutters, american beauty and may.

These are some I like.

The show Mr. Robot hits a lot of the right notes, but ultimately he gets laid and he's way too competent at what he does.
>Mr. Reddit
get out

American history X (younger brother)
Difficult situation. Weak person.
>Mr. Robot
I haven't seen it. Is it worth watching?

Lots of good dialogue. I'd put it in firmly middle tier. Check the first episode or two and see if it does it for you. There's actually a scene in it that has someone more robot than him to manipulate - fat older dude he has to emotionally crush.

More a pure sociopath, but yeah fairly close. I loved his line about it isn't that he doesn't get people, he just doesn't like them.
Ghost Dog - Way of the Samurai.

Weird not so good but not bad movie.
Chronicle was awful. Le so edgy le so dark le so troubled and le so abused; but i've got the wherewithal to remember to record every important moment of my life. Though I'll never turn said footage over to the authorities.
Failed normie late bloomer
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