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>ywn do this with your friends
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>ywn do this with your friends
Pretty much sums this up.
Enjoy your slow, painful death.
Jesus Christ I don't want to live anymore knowing this can happen
Why do fags always wear the cockrings?
>ywn you do this with a complete stranger
Should I feel ashamed for this video??
Since they don't value sexual intimacy and get laid every single night by 10 different guys and have superAIDS, which gives them ED, they lose their ability to get erections.
The cockrings help them to maintain their worthless and diseased boners, so they can have more empty sex and prove to the world that they will never be worth anything and will never have a pure relationship with a pure bf.
Because its different than fucking a pussy.

With vaginas you can go slightly limp halfway through and still have penetrative sex. But with anal if you don't stay 100% rock hard the whole time you won't be getting that shit in.

In summary assholes are tighter, and you need to stay harder, hence why some use cock rings.. its science anon.
Just spam gay shit like this 24/7 on r9k the community will love it.
Mmh god that looks really fucking hot
i-i'm still straight though, right?
Why the fuck is this board full of faggots?
No. You are too far gone. You aren't even gay; you're just sick now.
Have fun with your new trash lifestyle - there is no hope at this point.
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