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>want to get blackout drunk tonight to forget my depression
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>want to get blackout drunk tonight to forget my depression
>tfw no alcohol
>hanging out with only friend
>smoking some weed, drink a bit
>practically begging him to sell me a bit, he said he would a couple weeks ago
>he says he could give me his dealers number, then backtracks and shoots that idea down
>only smoke two bowls, barely feel anything

I guess I'll just get fucked up on my psych meds again tonight. Or rather try to.
>Buy two bottles of vodka
>Drink one throughout the night
>Play video games, listen to music
>Have a lovely bath
>Go on a /comfy/ night walk
>Visit places from my childhood and adolescence
>Smoke cigarettes and take the occasional swig of vodka
Look on the bright side: now you don't have to experience a hangover where the depression is worse than ever

>Actually getting hangovers

I weep for those with such shit-tier genetics
>getting hangovers
Found the normie
I chugged a shitty 40 oz nigger beer last night in a few seconds and barely felt anything 30 minutes later.
You're bragging about not getting hungover after drinking.. one beer?
1 liter of beer isnt supposed to do anything, my american friend. You're still legally able to drive after drinking that
Why is it that normies become emotional/aggressive/compulsive while drunk? I just become cheerful, and everything seems more interesting.
Not if you weigh 105lbs at 5 foot 11. A 40 ounce used to fuck me up after half. now I don't even feel it
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