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>Halal did it again 73 deads confirmed, going up. How's
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>Halal did it again
73 deads confirmed, going up.

How's it going, frogs?
Feels good man so comfy.
Fuck normalfags
Is this the first Pokemon Go related death?
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k reaches level 80.png
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>everyone in burgerland ranting on how we need gun laws because of Orlando
>shooting massacre happens in yuroland of strict gun control

feels fucking wonderful
Truck crash in France in case anyone is wondering what OP is talking about

Still dosnt change how i can actually finetune my clock by using the regular shootings in freedomland as a basic value that keeps repeating itself :^)
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this wasn't a shooting tho
The guy was shooting from the truck as he was running people over. This is really some gta shit.
i heard that this both was and wasn't actually true.
Yea, you are like those assholes. Its making you happy that you had true? How the fuck can make you dead of 73 people happy. The only differnce between you disabled autist and those sandniggers in that they can go outside of the fucking building and find some friends wich give them guns.
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