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>Free husband cupon >expiration date: never p-please
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free husband.jpg
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>Free husband cupon
>expiration date: never
>tfw 26 and haven't had a relationship that's reached a year

i'm doomed
Yikes that's pathetic as fuck. Getting your elderly dad to go on the first date for you? Dude is dying alone guaranteed.
This is a fantastic thread OP, have a free bump on the house.
>I am Jewish
into the trash
>28 and never held hands

wizardry can't come soon enough
Holy fuck living in Utah and never managing to get married is really pathetic.
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>48 years old
>wants to have children





Unless he wants to adopt instead, in that case it's cool.
>if you voted for Obama or plan to vote Hillary you are not for me.

HhahahHaha oh my god this guy is doomed
This effect is much more pronounced in females than males, since oocytes are held in meiotic arrest.

Genetic screening can be used if genetic defects are a concern.
damn this is one of the saddest things I have seen. if you arent married as a man by 40, should you just end it? or accept youll be alone and get really good at something?
>or accept youll be alone and get really good at something?
just do this

it's not like there aren't still fun things to do in life when you're alone
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>I am 5'5
I feel second-hand pain for him
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>tfw it will eventually get this bad
It's like looking into the future, that pic
true, I guess I will devout all my energies to get really good at programming then, have to do it for my job so I might as well not suck at it. I guess we are all going to make Zyzz.
little backstory the guy didnt make this the guys dad wanted his son to married quick since he wasnt having much luck so the dad made this add not the guys fault just a senile old man wanting to find his son love
Huh? Those are not the two only alternatives. I'm approaching 40, not married, but not a sad lonely beta faggot either. I go out, enjoy life, have had gfs, occasionally score casual sex, and so on.
>I'm spiritual
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