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Do you believe in Chaos or in Order? Which one do you follow?
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Do you believe in Chaos or in Order? Which one do you follow?
the only real chaos is in human emotions

everything else is pretty orderly
Chaos is an illusion caused by imperfect knowledge. In reality all matter has a single source, namely the concious self... the entity through which all existence is made manifest.

Internally we see order as technological development, as the world progresses the illusion is further shattered
You make it sound like it has to be one or the other. Chaos begets order and order begets chaos, and that's how it always is.
Things just sort of happen until they presumably stop happening one day. That's all there is to it, trying to make sense of it being a structured system or just an endless amount of random chance dictating everything accomplishes little.
Wait, that pic is the single most HERETICAL thing i ever saw in my life.
To elaborate, I believe in simultaneity and paradox.
Why? original original originally still original
Chaos, but only if it's constructive.
i think im partial to order, chaos gives me anxiety i think people are amazing tho.. i wish i was like the cool kids
Its the God Emperor of Mankind turned into a little girl getting molested by a Slaanesh follower.

It's a balance thing. There will never be a completely good or bad world. The reason we glorify (or at least use to) good guys; cops, vigilantes, soldiers and veterans, emergency service workers etc. etc. is because there is a natural predelection towards evil because it's the easiest route to take. I follow order because chaos is permanent and will always be there and order while temporary is the best and most rewarding for people.
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