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Roaches, fetch me a gf.
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You are currently reading a thread in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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Roaches, fetch me a gf.
But if you're a master manipulator, why don't you just puppeteer a girl into being your gf?
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Silly roachie.
Where's the fun in that?

The part where you have a gf
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Oh my sweet summer roachslave.
What makes you think I don't already have one?

The fact that you're on r9k asking strangers on the internet to find you one. Also, the fact that you don't have enough charisma to get more than one other person to post in your thread.
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And so the roach shows it's true nature.
By all means, continue chasing these delusions of grandeur.
Your insolence makes no difference to the Puppet Master.
There are literally billions of other dirty little roaches ready to take your place.
This video describes your thread

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