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Wtf is wrong with Asians? Why are they so content to be lapd
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Wtf is wrong with Asians? Why are they so content to be lapdogs for whites?

>south will rise again
>long live america
blm terrorists btfo

They're not, it's just the Asian Americans. We are the only ones that can properly talk so you just assume all of us are the same because I'm the only one yapping.
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Because they want to be Chad (so they can actually start fucking their own women) and mistake his pity friendship for real friendship. They do stupid, novel things like the OP to try to seem as Chad as posible, but at the end of the day they're still autistic, 5'9 rice monkeys.

Asians are robots the race. This video is the personification of autistic. Most of them either realize this in Uni, where they get to see up closet and personal that white Chad actually think about them, or they never do because they're legitmately autistic.
eurocentric education and hollywood brainwashing make retards, symptom is just more obvious in uncle toms and uncle chans
> huhhhh fuk duh brack rives matter

Autism at its finest
Put a black guy next to those lmao
funny as soon as niggers are out of the picture you cumskins who were just going on about "muh iq", "muh civilization" are goin "OOGA BOOGA MUH DICK WHERE DA ASIAN WIMMINZ AT".
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Fuck chinks, they have the most privilege next to whites

Everytime I'm with an asian qt I get death stares from all the beta chink guys, they'll all pay for looking down on us
T. Micropenis

>Everytime I'm with an asian qt

Confirmed for too beta to get a white woman, kys
i grew up in a city with a tons of chinese and korean immigrant families.

the koreans are complete trash whose parents work instead of loving them and sometimes beat their children into submission using sticks (literally heard this same story from two of my friends growing up). their children are prone to becoming gangbanging degenerates and/or whores. they are very materialistic though some of them are also super christian.

the chinese are smarter but only in a very narrow way. they have a very hard time with imagination, creativity and individuality. they are good at math (the stereotype is true) but much worse at english and at creative pursuits than the average white person (even when english is their first language). they like to please authority. they like to please their parents. for them, it's less out of fear but chinese parents can be very vicious in a matter of fact way (you got a bad grade because you're dumb) and they also withhold love when the child does not succeed. they are also very materialistic but it's more practical than with the koreans who love status symbols.

there is a lot of memorization and rote understanding among asians, instead of deep or critical thought.

they need to fit in at all costs because of how their parents raise them. keep in mind that all of this is generalization and mostly based on first or second generation immigrant observations. a few generations down the differences are less obvious although they're still not very creative on the whole.
Lmao. This is just embarrassing, mang.
Implying flacid length = erect length

Asians are mostly growers from evolving in the arctic
>he fell for the porn meme

why would the skinniest shortest men with the worst nutrition have big dicks lmao

blacks are no match for chad desu
also reminder that 2nd gen immigrant girls are whores and degenerates

they will never be conservatives fobs like mainlanders and will never be attractive enough to get away with western bitchiness so they act extra slutty to compensate

i have only known 1 2nd gen chinese girl that wasn't a bitter cunt
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Even malnutriotioed niggers in Africa are taller than Gooks. Blacks in America are roughly the same size as whites, and they're still malnourished.

Face it Gooks, Blacks are taller due to staying in Africa, instead of going into Eurasia and mixing with manlet Neandertal.
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