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Hokay, so my entire life I have been an autistic mongoloid socially and very basic social situations are remarkably difficult

I have continually wondered what is setting me apart from everyone else that finds interacting with people as natural as breathing, and I figured it just must be biological predisposition. It turns out I wasn't wrong

"Nofap" (abstaining yourself from masturbating) is remarkably difficult, and for some very basic biological reasons:

Your body is wired to make you have sex. It's the product of thousands/millions of years of evolution and pruning the herd to make the ones that get laid the most the ones that will spread their influence

When you masturbate, your biology figures that you're getting laid on a regular basis since it's getting all the sexual release it needs and you're satisfied to just exist and not have a particular amount of drive about you

After about 5 days of abstaining yourself from masturbation, the testosterone floating around in your body actually begins binding itself and you see changes like a deeper voice, greater drive to work out and most importantly for a lot of people a night and day difference in confidence

I'm experiencing this first-hand because I'm staying at a 3D-modeling camp at the moment and I didn't want to masturbate in a dormitory with other people. I've since met a dozen new people and I've had sex with the same girl twice.


If you're doing nofap, discuss it ITT and if you aren't doing nofap ask all the questions (or make all the criticisms) you want

I'll be making more put-together threads in the future in the hope of telling as many people about this as possible. It's quite something
*remarkably effective
Not remarkably difficult, it's easier than you'd think
I'm doing nofap right now. Been 2 days.

Only doing it bc im about to fuck a girl and I know that if I nofap for a few days I blow a bigger load.

Nofap is torturing me
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the power is unreal.jpg
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>"Nofap" (abstaining yourself from masturbating) is remarkably difficult

But it works, especially after day 415
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