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Why do girls call me scary then hang out with drug dealers, gang
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Why do girls call me scary then hang out with drug dealers, gang members, bikers, and convicted rapists?
They mean ugly

Or you're creeping on them and they know about it

op, they are "scared" that your disgusting cum might get near them. They love criminal cum tho.
It's only scary to get raped by someone they look down on. It's hot to get raped by someone hot.

>a girl thinks you look like a rapist
>she calls up a biker with three rape convictions to "protect her" from you

Are girls really this insane?
School shooters are scarier.
lol good point man

because you're ugly. girls dont care about your morality or character. they just want someone who's "cute" they can pose with in facebook pictures.
Women are evil.

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here's the answer to your question op.
Because those scary dudes are insanely good looking and unique with their tattoos and their highly masculine personalities. They naturally excel in socializing because of their confidence. Its called being a Chad or an alpha. Being a rapist or gang member means nothing if you're good looking, fit and over 6 foot and cocky with tattoos and fearlessness. Women can't help themselves to Chad.
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