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/r9k/: the musical
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You are currently reading a thread in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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Are you lonely? Are you brooding over the planar hell you endure? Are you loathing beyond the sparkle specked horizon? Queue some music and chat. Inquire inside.

b a n
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Been tryyyiin to meetcha

normie room
dont go in
So is everyone in this shit a retarded highschool kid or what?
yeah, all they listen to is meme grips or swans which is very meme tier entry level crap
Shut the heck up buddy I queue good shit you hear me FUCK YOU too pal
ur doggo is not cute

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That's NOT my canine I saved it from a skype group
This is him. He hates you! He told me. Begone
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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001
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1462622648389.jpg (872 KB, 2048x1532) google iqdb wait
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/r9k/: the musical Donatello !!Zsc1ldA9jBU 07/04/16(Mon)22:23:42 No.29718691

Are you lonely? Are you brooding over the planar hell you endure? Are you loathing beyond the sparkle specked horizon? Queue some music and chat. Inquire inside.
Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)22:28:21 No.29718742

b a n
Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)22:29:15 No.29718748
1.jpg (48 KB, 470x315) google iqdb wait
48 KB

Been tryyyiin to meetcha

Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)22:34:47 No.29718789>>29718860 (You)
normie room
dont go in
Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)22:41:12 No.29718847>>29718929
So is everyone in this shit a retarded highschool kid or what?
Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)22:42:28 No.29718860
Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)22:48:16 No.29718929>>29719001
yeah, all they listen to is meme grips or swans which is very meme tier entry level crap
Donatello !!Zsc1ldA9jBU 07/04/16(Mon)22:54:08 No.29719001>>29719039
^FC3B4C32D7E0F8D933F4B148(...).png (210 KB, 379x424) google iqdb wait
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Shut the heck up buddy I queue good shit you hear me FUCK YOU too pal
Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)22:57:13 No.29719039
ur doggo is not cute

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Do NOT insult my dearest pal MICHAEL GIRA its not even a meme GOSH
wow he's even uglier
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Very comfy room, nice tunes all around! I recommend you JOIN at ONCE
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look at this face and sincerely tell me he isn't a meme
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me and Q.jpg
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Michael Gira is NOT a meme. IS THAT SUFFICIENT?
alright he isn't

but u are
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2 MB, 2448x3264
tunes are shit
My secret club bloxx
Doodlewang please return
We've missed you
why the hell did i get banned, I did nothing and I got banned fucking shit tier crap! I want a refund for the semen i wasted.
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originales roboto
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cum on mommy! fucking slut
>flat chest

the fuck dude
cumming is against the law!About 63,700,000 results (0.86 seconds)
Search Results
speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way.
"she was still ranting on about the unfairness of it all"
synonyms: hold forth, go on and on, deliver a tirade, rant and rave, fulminate, sound off, spout, pontificate, trumpet, bluster, declaim; More
a spell of ranting; a tirade.
"his rants against organized religion"
synonyms: tirade, harangue, diatribe, broadside, verbal onslaught; rarephilippic
"he went into a rant about the people who were annoying him"
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1 MB, 400x300
My first time hopping in the room. Guess I'll make an account later so I can do stuff.
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If you have actual feels you want to discuss, I ar, will listen.
it's over my man, the adhd australian normies won
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62 KB, 480x360
I was just there, downtown Shinjuku earlier tonight. Was awesome.

we wuz first n shiet
I bet it was just like in your animes
Thread replies: 31
Thread images: 17

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