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Who else here /catfish/? Have you ever milked your followers
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Who else here /catfish/?
Have you ever milked your followers for money? Gifts? Anything?
What do you pretend to be?
Do y'all pretend to be a trap/pregnant/amputee to try and get those sweet sweet dollars from thirsty fetishists?
Ever called a person to meet you somewhere? What'd you do to them?
File: ff1.gif (112 KB, 255x231) Image search: [Google]
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It's not called catfishing, it's e-whoring.
When you're not a grill it's catfishing
Bumper cars bumping cars
if you really have done this, i hope you get slaughtered in the mass shooting done by the same lonely, sad guy you catfished.
Why do you care so much about him when he was stupid enough to buy people he'd never met on the internet things for free because he thinks they're girls
I love doing this all the time.

I have an image set that is like perfect because the girl is like a total camwhore that posted on 4chan, but I am looking for other image sets I can use of cute but not fake looking girls.
Ever made any $ off of anyone?
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