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Get in here everyone. What are you drinking tonight? Why is the holiday weekend trivialized bull shit?

>ywn fall asleep forever after the liquor
bought this shit called earthquake

i drink shitty beer all the time. but this... this should never have been made. ZERO intelligence went into the creation of this beer. It is bad in more ways than i though a beer could be bad.
I had a dream (no pun intended) that it was MLK Day and I forgot it and people got mad at me.
my roommates fireball
please tell me it's not just me who feels like puking when drinking alcohol

i reckon i could be a pretty decent alcoholic if it wasn't for that
Only had a bit of vodka left, sadly I wasn't able to drink myself "stupid" like I normally do.

This is worse, it's still all the dperission but none of the self control., PLeas e for the love of god kill me , I want to die. put a bullet in my head! Pretty ptreyyu please, im on my knees begging! I want t dieeeeeeee
I have 750ml of 80 proof vodka, its 3am saturday morning, and I got my refill of xanax yesterday.

I'm thinking I'll save the bottle until monday to drink on independence day. I assume all the normies are drinking this weekend to celebrate, so why not wait till monday?
Lucky for me, my local store has 4 for $10 deals on cheap wine all the time. Between half and a whole bottle of cabernet gets me just the right about of drunk to chill out.
TFW live in pa, if I want hard liqouer I gotta wait untill morning on a non-sunday non-holiday, FUcking state stores., I need to keep being drunk and get drunker but im fresh out erreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Had some jack daniels, smirnoff vodka, bud light, and a screwdriver.

I hate drinking. Maybe its the people I drink with.
have no booze so forcing myself to stay awake so I can feel drunk from sleep deprivation.
>jack daniels, smirnoff vodka, bud light,

add some cap'n and you'll have the most normie combo of drinks of all time
if you do it long enough, you'll die from exhaustion
I only stay up for a day or two before passing out and if I die that'd be a nice bonus.
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I drank everything now I'm dry I don't wanna go to buy anything it's like 300 m and I don't have the nerves.
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