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Ask a NEET who bought a billboard, anything.
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Ask a NEET who bought a billboard, anything.
You didn't buy shit you nigger
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fart piece.gif
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glorius thread anon
what is the billboard for
for you to jump off of, like it should be i assume
Even though wagecucks are the ones more likely to kill themselves. And now they have a billboard to do so!
Just when i thought you couldnt cross the line
I know this is fake but somebody needs to do this for real

I could only imagine all the ragie wagies
look at this fucking retard and laugh
post timestamp (:


I don't think normies willl understand, they'll probably think it's funny or it's encouraging everyone to get a job
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Normies won't get it. You should've put something about being a wageslave on it

You failed
I imagine most wouldn't know what they're looking at. and the normies that do would just laugh at the tumblr frog and take a pic for their facebook/insta.
I agree. It's pretty funny but only to those who get it. You need to strike despair into the hearts of the wawgecucks.
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I live in a relatively small town. If I had the money I could really anger the whole town by taking out endless radio, bill board, and news paper ads. The wagecuck meme is something that they can't steal so it will only piss off normies.

>rent a plane and drops thousands of flyers that say nothing other than "ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER DOLLAR" with a comfy pepe
Some rich fuck please do this. Puh leez
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100 percent real, wagies
>tfw posting from work right now
You've been tricked by the "all jobs are difficult" jew
The lighting makes it look fake. I still don't believe you.
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did you buy this shit?
so mom bought you that bilboard
it was a very cheap one

100 dollars for 2 months
If we all chip in we could buy one
>for 2 months

m8, wagecucks will forget about it afterwords.
get really close to it and point camera up
shit is fake bro, lok at the edge of the internal portion of the billboard.

nice try, this oldfag has seen some shoops in his day

post a pic of your hand on top of pepes face as proof, as in hand on the board on pepes face

You could take a short video of it to prove that it's real. Your photos look edited.
I believe it's real OP, you madman

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Wagecucks aren't even sentient, I've come to this conclusion after much research in my unlimited free time. They're as aware as an ant, robots speeding to their deaths living within a cloud of delusion. The weakest of minds susceptible to the "productive" propaganda.

I propose a question to the NEETlord forum this day.
Which is a bigger waste of time?
a) Wageslavery
b) Speaking to a wagecuck as if they're a human being capable of thought and reasoning
Sometimes you have to be a wageslave to achieve something greater anon.

Society didn't evolve from sitting on our ass
Society also didn't evolve from being a wagie
It would be great to see that while driving to work desu

it is funny
>bought it
>for two months
why are NEETs so bad at math?
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but no wagies = no tendies
Doesn't mean I can't beat and humiliate my slaves, they like it anyway. They keep coming back for more from the big ol' NEET daddy. After all, NEETs are true men who don't grovel and throw their dreams away under the guise of "being productive".
f4m can you please take a photo from the side? and other angles. i rly want to believe in this
I've thought of doing this sometimes too, but until recently I haven't had any money. Maybe someday I'll squander my fortune to keep it from shitty relatives before I die.

Fake and gay desu senpai baka
pepe is much closer to the "A" in the first image than he is in the second one
>confirmed fake
>billboard has 'mom' printed on top and bottom

I want this to be real, so so much.
Photos have resolution, you know.

In order to scale a image that big the resolution would start to break down, resulting in a terrifying soppy mess even at that distance.

You're fucking retarded.

Fake or not you made me smile

thanks OP
Same 2bh

You got a laugh out of me OP
I fucking hate billboards. They are real life pop ups.
Nice shoop, fuckface. Kill yourself.

): Why couldn't it b reel tho
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>low tier shitpost
Try harder, autist
>Even though wagecucks are the ones more likely to kill themselves.
is that true?
when you're mentally ill everyone warns you how dangerous it is to be neet
It depends how brainwashed you are.
It's probably true since most of us in first world country's are brainwashed from the second we are born.
I know this is fake, but I'll humor you.

Most people wouldn't get that reference unless they browse r9k, which I'm guessing is less than 1% of the population since who the heck comes here except complete losers?

Most who would see that probably would think "haha it's the meme frog funny XD."
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