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has any bots here kissed a girl before? what was it like? did
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has any bots here kissed a girl before? what was it like? did she enjoy it?
It's not bad, and not nice either, after you kiss, you will come to the conclusion that you should have done that YEEEEEARS before, because it's not a big deal, it's literally touching a womans lips, even french kiss is the same shit.
She came immediately.
I've had sex hundreds of times wifh 23 women
I really enjoyed it. We were egged on, she hesitated, but she later said that she only hesitated because she thought I was gay or asexual because of how sexually inexperienced I was. She liked it, but I regret losing my kiss virginity to someone I wasn't dating.
I grabbed a drunk girl on party and forced her to kiss with me. It was kinda nice. And no she didnt like it obviously but didnt break the kiss (she was a known slut). We french kissed, I was drunk and it was kinda short so I cant remember how it felt. It was also my only kiss ever
How did she know?
how did she know what?
How sexually inexperienced you were? Sorry for not specifying.
I kissed 2 girls when i was 17 but it kinda sucked cus I didn't know what i was doing

kissed another girl when i was 22 a month ago at a party but I was shit faced and it didn't last long

haven't had a proper make out session yet, i see my normie friends do it all the time, I dont have the balls to do it though it looks so hard to do
I kissed a girl once.

We were 14 and "dating" so we kissed. Honestly it was weird and that was the last romantic encounter I had with a girl. She broke up with me because she was guilty about spreading my secrets/rumours. I still see her every day because we go to the same college.
Oh because it was a party, and we had already played some games like "Never have I ever" so it pretty much came out that I hadn't yet had my first kiss or a real girlfriend.
>making out
Damn son it's really one of the easiest things in the world to be honest
>haven't had a proper make out session yet, i see my normie friends do it all the time, I dont have the balls to do it though it looks so hard to do
how do you do it? you just blank out your mind and go in for it?
Oh. So then she was dared to kiss you? That doesn't really sound so bad but I get how it would suck that your first kiss had no emotional investment/attachment from the person you kissed. Sorry anon.
I have in fact, kissed a girl. Repeatedly. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it or she wouldn't have kissed back.
Oh nah it wasn't really a total dare. People were like "Hey, *her name*, anon hasn't had his first kiss. You guys should kiss!" And then we were like "ok"

Yeah it's not so bad, I guess I'm glad it happened but it could have been a better situation. Now I have some idea of what a kiss is like lmao
i kissed a girl today during a rendez-vous, it was alright she enjoyed it and said i was a great kisser which is strange since i'm a 27yo virgin looser.
When i was 18 (now 20) I made out many times passionately with my 19 year old gf, pretty sure she enjoyed it as she grabbed my dick and pretty much pulled it off, we were both virgins and i guess she got a little over excited. We fucked nonetheless and it was gud
I've kissed every part of a girl except feet because I hate feet

she enjoys it every time, especially when I kiss her mouth and pussy
I made out with a drink slut once and it was amazing. Her mouth was warm, wet and slightly sweet. We had each other's tongues in each others mouths. The best part was how into it she was. She just wanted her tongue in my mouth so bad. This was grade 10. I'm first year university and I haven't kissed since
my first kiss was terrible, we were both overly drunk and I wasn't attracted to her. She just wouldn't leave me alone the whole time I was at a party then insisted on walking home with me. When we kissed her lips felt dead and I wanted to gag. Her lips were way too dry so i tried to wet them a bit with my tongue but because I was drunk I ended up slipping my tongue all the way into her mouth at which point she said "too much tongue" we kissed a bit more then I got the fuck out of there.
Kissed my sister a few times when she was sleeping once..it was meh I guess. Her lips where chapped too.
I really don't see what the big deal is though, I'd imagine it would be different if it was with a willing girl I was in love with.
Why did you kiss her?
Curiosity, I just wanted to see what it was like.
Ive kissed probally 6 or 7 girls

kissing is awesome
I have kissed like 4. The last one told me it was like a washing machine and jokingly said;
"better throw in some dirty socks! :)"
Yeah they seem to.
I kissed a hooker for my first time. It was very unpleasant and quite pathetic looking back. As for the kiss I can describe it as empty, moist, and cold.
>oneitis made party at home cuz she was about to cruise around the world with her bff

>hugged her at the end, looked her deep in the eyes and leaned forward

>she looks confused and backs away and i change direction to a VERY akward cheek kiss

Just end it already

If you have then you don't belong here.
what was your age?
I made out with some slut at a party once years ago. I think I did it wrong though but is it even possible? It just felt weird
no, I don't like eating other people's spit
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Literally my fetish, I wish a qt would quench my thirst with her warm saliva.

Yes. You really can't mess it up. She'll help steer you the right way. My first time, she got impatient and buried her tongue in my mouth. That was a pretty clear hint for the direction I should be going.
The first time I kissed a girl was with my oneitis. We were both getting drunk, and she was a hot kisser. I just did whatever felt natural, so I used a bit of tongue only. She escalated that quickly into a fucking tonsil hockey game. It was pretty hot desu.
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