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Is /jp/ hell/ the last stop for 4chan users who never make it?
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Is /jp/ hell/ the last stop for 4chan users who never make it? I've never been but I assumed it would be a mix of /a/ and former robots who've mastered the art of escapism.
I just went to that board for the first time and holy moly is japanese culture pathetic, literally like manchild: the nation
>holy moly is japanese culture pathetic
you are one of the people who think all of japanese culture is anime

and their pop music and their tv shows and their movies and their books and their dating scene and their bar scene and...
Why the fuck do people like you exist on 4chan?

can you just go to /r/sports or whatever gay shit you like?
You know there are 2 sports boards on 4chan right
Any /jp/ users here wanna give some insight?
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I don't know what there is to say. We talk about touhou, idols, jav, etc. A lot of niche communities in generals though sort of like /vg/ I guess where each general is different
/jp/ is basically /neet/

The oldest oldfags only browse /jp/
I've wanted to attempt getting into 2hu for like a decade now. Back when I was like 13 I came across some youtube meme with Ronald McDonald that had music from the game and I thought it was awesome.

Then I looked at gameplay videos and was too much of a pussy to even try to learn how to dodge

Now I feel like the games aren't even the bulk of the media for the series, I've heard there's like over a TB of fanmade music out there which seems kind of crazy. How did you get into it?
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I started off reading a lot of doujins and watching the fanmade videos mostly as an introduction. But my first real experience was playing the games, they can be hard but once you get gud they are very fun. Just try 6 if you really want it is mostly just trial and error. Don't expect to be instantly good at it you just have to slowly work your way up to a better skill level
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