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Why am I so obssed with the female asshole? Is this this normal?
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File: asshole.jpg (515 KB, 2764x1874) Image search: [Google]
515 KB, 2764x1874
Why am I so obssed with the female asshole?
Is this this normal?

Yeah it means you ascended over the plebejans attration to pussy.

The anus is the gentleman's pussy.
but farts and poo come out of there

they come out of womens mouths too yet you let them suck your cock
>yet you let them suck your cock
this has never happened
>>they come out of womens mouths too
I have to use this one. Nice.
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Damn, that looks so tasty.
>Why am I so obssed with the female asshole?

You've finally realized that women are assholes, congrats.
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1 MB, 1089x738

What the hell is this??? Why does it stick out like that? Fucking gross
That's beautiful though.

little pillows for your cheek to rest on
It is... female assholes is not for pleasure. Boipussy is the sex organ where you should put your penis. It will be much better and more meaningful to you. Crossing the taboo line, to make love to a boys anus. Freedom, courage and friendship.
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Those are called labia, anon. I don't know how you don't know what those are. Unless you're a roasting trying to make labia look like they're weird.
There is no female asshole.

Male and female assholes are indistinguishable from each other. They both have hair and smell the same. Stop believing in porn.

I've tasted both and beg to differ

no homo
File: butts.jpg (181 KB, 3000x2254) Image search: [Google]
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I'm not gay sorry
most women don't have prostates and there's no dick+balls right above
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