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>raised by overprotective parents >they didn't let
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>raised by overprotective parents
>they didn't let me go outside with my friends when i was a teenager because 'muh cars' 'muhh gipsies'
>tfw im 18 yo, virgin kissless, neet, i haven't left my house for 8 months
>tfw they are angry because i have no friends or gf
whats wrong with them
Why don't you get a gf and friends instead of making this thread every 12 hours
Lemme guess, they're a fusion of Christians and Muslims.
I wish your parents would keep you off the internet.
>asian, live at home so have asian parent feels
>college is hard shit, GPA in the shitter
>take summer classes to bring my grades back up
>friends want to hang out
>make plans and everything
>ask mother if I can borrow the car and go out
>says I can't cause my "situation" is bad
>this happens every time I want to do something with friends
>they never invite me anywhere because my cancellations always end up fucking their plans over
>have to do everything clandestine, while I'm supposed to be at school or at my job
I fucking envy white people.
be a real asian and get the A++s you lazy ass
Would if I could anon.
I study my ass off to get the grades I get.
Islam os pretty much medieval Christianity tho. I laugh my ass off each time people defend Islam by pointing out how bad Christianity was
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