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How do I get better at manipulating people?
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Someone threw a book by Trump at me once when asked, and I got some other psychology books suggestions.
Don't give me shit for asking, we all know it's how you move up in any way, especially if you're a shitty robot

Start to look better, oh wait, that will never happen, which means you'll never be able to manipulate anyone you sad fuck.
First you need to look normal without letting yourself actually become normal. When you are different people suspect of you.
Try smiling when it's acceptable and wearing clothes that other people use.
Become friends with people.
When talking alone to someone interrupt them and then act surprised when they get angry at you, like they are acting crazy, then stop doing that for a while.

Basically, be like a woman without the bad part.
>be like a woman without the bad part
>without the bad part
>be like a woman
This sounds extremely challenging
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