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post comfy robot games i literally dont know any besides pic related
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post comfy robot games
i literally dont know any besides pic related
The new Runescape, I take it?
about as robot as video games get
there was a thread like this but its archived now
Looks like either Dark Age of Camelot or Thief.
OSRS is superior
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It's wurm online/wurm unlimited

comfy as fuck
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>Doesn't even tell anons what game that is
If you don't say it then I'm going to have to sperg out and claim it's Oblivion.
I love playing New Vegas with Uterus Eater. Fuck over wasteland Stacys by killing them then eating their bits they like to protect and keep away from you so much. What's that? I can't go anywhere near it? K, I'll just kill you and cook it for dinner. ;^)
dead money was so depressing
best dlc out of new vegas
>playing post-eoc rs
The game turned into a joke, switch ti OSRS before you waste too much time.
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That is a good game

Also its literally normalfag free, theres not a single normalfag on there because they can't waste their "precious time" inside of a game that requires you to play more then half an hour.

They are catering all of the content now towards end game players now too, which is really nice

give me 700m you richfago
I lost all my money due to stupid, STUPID staking
I don't play as much now because it took my ages to make that money because I'm not that good

thats a good game for normalfags
Daggerfall is the comfiest elder scrolls
Good bait. Easyscape is normalfag central. Enjoy your 500k xp/hr rates you fucking casual.
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I love Vera's aperture.
She's pretty hot for a potato head too.
Looks good, what do you do in the game?
i want something with a world i can explore that has puzzles and whatnot as opposed to action. i don't care about graphics one way or another.
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Only normalfags play oldschool, they all are trying to get into something that they missed when they were younger. Any real robot would have already put in thousands of hours playing back then, and would have absolutely no reason to start it again.

Runescape in 2007 was great at the time, a shitty remake of 2007 is just a shitty remake.

ree richfag share some
this game used to be good man
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If a gore-filled, bleak post apocalyptic wasteland is your idea of comfy check out Fallout 3 Reborn
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You see, there aren't complainers in RS3 because the people still playing RS3 are willing to put up with the Frankenstein creature that RS3 has become. OSRS players fight and bicker about what should be done to keep the game intact and active. RS3 players will just keep taking it up the ass so long as it means they can keep the account they've poured so many years of their lives into.

>"Oh they're adding another p2w package that gives you insane xp rates and devalues all those months I spent doing the skill before? h-haha o-ok at least we have a some new quests!"

>"They're adding actionbars to RS3 to make the game look like a low quality guild wars ripoff for iphone? Ha...well it's cool they're adding so much content... I mean I can't just start all over with OSRS I've already spent 3k on p2w packages, spins, and fancey hats!"

>"I like that the weeks of grinding I spend now will be made worthless when they update X skill to be 1m xp/hour!"

I started playing 12 years ago you casul. Current Runescape is dogshit that's only played by fags that can't handle cutting maples for hundreds out hours. You literally L I T E R A L L Y get free exp just from logging in.
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The main themes of Dead Money were "letting go"
You were forced to leave the treasure
Forced to make hard difficult choices
>MFW I loaded gold into father Elijah's corpse
>MFW I chopped off his arm and took it with me to the door
>MFW I got away with the gold
It's basically like minecraft + runescape + life is feudal

You have to feed yourself and survive tons of wild animals, and you can work together with other players to make a town.

If you play on epic there are two factions, and each faction has multiple kingdoms in them and the goal is to destroy the altar of the opposing kingdom.

you can make houses (brick, clay, wood), ships, and other cool shit.

Everything is based on levels and the higher your levels the better shit you can make.

People from /v/ used to play it and the community in each village has been great, but they always quit after a few weeks
>casual fuck boy "can't waste his precious time" starting over on a superior version of RS
Kill yourself hypocrite.
Not him
The game world is fairly large and mostly player-made, with player housing, mining, crafting, etc. PvE and PvP too.

/v/ sometimes makes threads about people to play but it's usually a well-established group and removes pretty much all mystery and struggle from the game.

/v/ groups usually shill for new players to become miners; you don't get treated well without sucking a few toes.
well shit i never knew you could chop off their limbs and it would still count
tnx anon
RS3 is still fun.

And the community in it isn't full of cancerous children like OSRS
If I had a time machine I would go to 2007 during the heyday of runescape and play it all again
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>posters increasing by a single digit

nice way to samefag, go play your shit version of the game that will unironically be shutdown before 2020 by a literal chinese mining company.

Do you seriously think oldschool even generates a quarter of what RS3 does? No. And at the bottom line thats all that the chinese mining company cares about, you'll be the same idiots who'll cry that their servers were shutdown and calling out jagex as the worst company.


>OSRS players fight and bicker about what should be done to keep the game
so basically OSRS community is just a bunch of teenagers who winge whenever anything is changed?

Go fight some zulrah or something instead of trying to prove the remake is not absolute shit
>Fallout 3
>With any mod
Depends who you play with. There was one autist in a few of the /v/ villages that tried to be a slave driver of new players and was a total cunt.

He's gone now though
Nope. No arguments here.
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I am extremely autistic so I enjoy building beautiful cities to take screenshots of

I care just as much about how the city looks as I do about how well it works. Feels like building a sculpture or something. It's really soothing.
Dead bodies with lots of items weigh the same as looted dead bodies
Fun fact of the day
You literally shitpost in every single runescape thread you insufferable retard.
OSRS is literally the original version of runescape.

EOC/RS3 is the remake. But yes I agree, the remake is shit. :)

>only played by fags that can't handle cutting maples for hundreds of hours

How does that make OSR a good game? Spending hundreds of hours clicking on a tree? Really? I say this as a person that started in 2006 and has played on and off since. Reducing the monotony is one of the better things they've done, but even now the game is still a ridiculous grind fest.

I tried going back to OSR, it's awful. I'll always have nostalgia for it, but it's unplayable to me now. It's really aged like shit.
what game are you making these in? post moar??
Skyrim with a shitload of immersion mods.

Suddenly you're just a traveller on the roads of Skyrim, not an overpowered Dragonborn.
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>blown the fuck out
>b-better call him a samefag!
Open up twitch, you retard. All the streams under "Runescape" are oldschool. Your game is dead. RIP, idiot.
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>remake fags on suicide watch

At what point did you realise that oldschool will be shutdown before 2020?
Jagex is owned now by a chinese mining company only looking for profits, and for some reason you think your shit remake isn't going to have microtransactions added before it gets shut down?

They'll probably add in a nice touch for you retards, maybe putting in the """old""" squeal for fortune for you

Since you decided to btfo yourself

>ttt-theres no casual normalfags in oldschool!!!! they're all playing RS3!!!
>all streams are oldschool

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cities skylines

on sale rn
considered it but even if the game is there, the community isn't anymore
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>run from responsibilities to play runescape
>escaping into gaming world
>run escape
4th dimensional procrastionation type shit lads
thanks man the game looks great
i just ordered an xbox one with 2TB hdd, what are some comfy games
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Your bait is weak.

Streamers like autism elegy and faux have quadrupled your total xp despite oldschool only being out for a few years now.

You are the only normalfag here. You are the only casual here.

RS3 cuckolds eternally BTFO.
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cancel that order and buy a nintendo product if you want comfy games

Microjew and sony can't make anything even half worth playing really

>using ER to promote your shit remake of a game

You've been btfo'd so hard you can't even state any actual points now

>rs3 is bad!!!
>its bad because its bad!!!
>eoc (a good addition to the game) is bad because its bad!!!

kill yourself
i dont know if trials are on the xbox one but give it a them a try if the old ones are on there
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As previously stated rs3 is bad because it's a bastardized shitheap that caters to normalfags with inflated xp rates.

>so butthurt you can't even remember posts from just a few minutes ago
Stay cucked, guy.
you can play all x360 games on the xbox one i think
did not know that
i would play on consoles if you didnt have to pay for online membership
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RS3 is fucking packed with normies who somehow manage to transfer their sweatpant, three quarter, sneaker, dark shades wearing selves directly into one of the worst looking games out there.

The community is rife with scammers, hackers, gamblers and goldsellers and most people with max have botted or bought gold in some form.

The monster killing scene is ruled by don't-ask, don't-tell bug abusers and to be considered the best you have to learn to abuse common knowledge bugs like walking monsters so they can't hit you by glitching their hitboxes.

This game is absolute shit. This is before we touch on the actual bad practices by Jagex like no real customer support, you literally have to sign up for twitter and harass their volunteers (who aren't even paid) to push your case through to staff.

One of their staff was fired in the past 2 years for literally patching bugs into the game and selling them to goldfarmers to abuse. This went undetected for years.

They also regularly sell shit using the MTX gambling/gachapon clone that directly lets you feed your account with xp, bonus xp (just double xp) and other boosters and you can literally win items worth 1m to 200m randomly.

By far the community is the worst though. If you like immersive comfy games then stay away or enjoy standing inside of a fantasy building filled with people who just look like walked off an instagram shoot because normies will not let their culture go no matter what world they enter.

Man you OSRS faggots are such little fucking babies
>more players playing old school
>all popular streamers/youtubers are old school players

Sure oldschool may not be making more money than RS3 because of whales buying spins for the latest exp outfit or "cool" cosmetic but it's a joke to think that Jagex will cut off over half their playerbase and the biggest source of advertisement for the game.
thanks ill check it out originalariomente
Keep crying bitch nigga. You have no arguments.
OSRS is also shit.

That's another thing though. You faggots are so addicted to your skinnerbox that anyone who hates skinnerbox A must be from skinnerbox B.

Your game is literally shit and you have no arguments.
online membership is pretty cheap, like $20 a month or something
I don't need arguments, you haven't played RS3 and so your opinion on it is incorrect. Try playing it kid.

Get out of the thread then you fucking normie
>I-I better try to troll now i've been BTFO
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Say what you will about OSRS, I still think fishing sharks is as zen as it gets.
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I have played rs3. It's irredeemable garbage for the feeble-minded and weak-willed who can't let go of their accounts.

Instead of playing an obviously better version of the game you will delude yourself into thinking rs3 isn't dogshit because you're too much of a fucking casual to steel yourself and start fresh.

sounds exactly like old runescape. nice nostalgia brain u cumsucker
None of that is actually in osrs though, retard.
That was pretty accurate description of what RS has always been. You're living in denial if you think OSRS is somehow different.
it was the Soviets
>osrs devs actively patching in exploits for gold farmers
Yeah naw you're delusional.
Wait kek you think RS3 has patched in exploits for gold farmers? Or even has many gold farmers in the first place?

You're fucking delusional boi
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f2p and no normalfags
small community
i still have my tablet so i guess ill give it another try
The Sims 4, I spent all my time bulding houses and making the interior beautiful or creating new characters.
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>lol nope no gold farmers here :^)
>rs3 is shit
>osrs is shit
>current rs3 players will leave after next big change
>current osrs players will leave after flooded with rs3tards
Is The Sims 4 better than 3? I remember there being a lot of controversy around release.

They recently added the ability to be a trap, so there's that.
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The only video games I could ever really get into have always been grand strategy games. I don't know what it is about them. I really like history, so maybe that's got something to do with it.

I was hooked on the first Victoria, and its expansion pack, all throughout high school. I sunk hours and hours into that thing. I never really wanted to try and conquer the world, like it seems everyone else does. I just liked the little domestic responsibilities I had, within my own country. I only went to war when I needed a resource that I didn't have. I always tried to do everything I could to make my leading party either communist or fascist, because they let you micromanage everything.

I got into modding Victoria, and after that I started drawing up plans for some ridiculously detailed global simulation game, but it never got very far. I was tired of all the grand strategy games being so focused on military stuff. I wanted to have more detailed elections, international diplomacy, budgets, population dynamics, etc. I still wish there was a game like that, but I don't think too many people would buy it. Well, I guess there's like all those boring sims about being a farmer or veterinarian or whatever, and those have a big following, so maybe this wouldn't be too different.
that game is garbage because I got good too fast they banned me
There aren't you fucking retard, especially compared to OSRS
i dont see the appeal to it
maybe im just too negative or the game is too simple for me
hated the people on there too
>nearly maxed on old rs
>finish maxing on rs3
>game is literal dogshit, almost unplayable
>those cosmetics
>that art style

osrs is objectively better, you are a cuck supreme and a shitter just living our your childhood dreams with easy exp/fast rates in rs3.
hey guys rs3 players I hope you're still in here, I am mostly maxed out on osrs but I'm getting real tired of the mods not doing shit about the afk xp type stuff and other shit. Is it worth it to start a new RS3 account. I don't know what my old account was so I would have to start new.
Real world traders and gold farmers constantly do max cash stakes and other stupid shit for youtube. Open your eyes, you fucking imbecile.
I took a look at a comparison of the two and it doesn't really seem worth it. The differences are really small and some of them seem pretty stupid.

It seems like Maxis are really trying to milk this cow for all it's worth. They know that even if it's mostly the same people are always going to buy the new Sims game. And then of course they'll have to buy the same university expansion, the same pets expansion, etc., etc., until they start all over again. Pretty smart, but pretty frustrating. I don't bother getting the Sims legally anymore, because it's just not worth the value.

>playing Bethesda games without mods

Console pleb detected. Enjoy your buggy, bland, crappy mess. Bethesda can only build huge worlds, they suck at everything else. By modding the game as much to your liking as possible you can at least try to ignore the obvious flaws.
Probably bait but

I play both and if you enjoy the grind but want to mix it up a bit I say it's worth a shot. There's a lot of dailies and that doesn't appeal to a lot of people who come from old school.
They patched nmz and splashing. There aren't any AFK methods OSRS.

RS3 is easyscape and pay-to-win now. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOfplXWiZOA
well umm im pretty sure if someone liked the game a lot they would think its better where it was made on in the first place.
Are you joking? Rs3 is full of normalslimes. Tons of them. They even make Twitter accounts for their rsns.
Still my favorite game regardless
>if you enjoy the grind
Then don't play rs3.

You can get 120k xp/hr in runecrafting now at just level 40. That's more than double the xp rates in oldschool.

You can get up to ~200k xp/hr in mining in rs3 while in oldschool the max is 68k xp/hr

And of course rs3 has "double xp weekends" sponsored by mountain dew and doritos :DD

rs3 is ruined and everyone knows it. The game is dead.
Man you put a lot of time into this bait. Too bad most of what you said was just plain wrong, made me cringe.
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>no normalfags
>small community
remind me of another game (plus a bit of dedgaem)
comfy /r9k/ guild when?
>RS3 apologist grapples with reality as the crushing realization that he's wasted his life playing easyscape sets in
holy shit did they really? I just started playing again
Yes. If there is no interaction with the game client for 5 minutes, your character will stop attacking and eventually log out.

Why would you even consider RS3? It's a piece of shit with no difficulty.
guys lets not fight.... rs3 is Best ok
yes rs3 is best for shitters I agree
well I wanted to try it out since it would be something new and I haven't logged into rs3 since like 2010
>settling for shit because it's "new"
If you need a break from oldschool just find another game. It's not complicated.
I mean regardless of the exp rates it's still a grind on both games it's just that 07 takes significantly longer. Sometimes it's enjoyable to switch up what you do even if RS3 is inferior when it comes to skilling.

Also for clarification

Mining is 120k+ an hour @ 99 using 3 tick method


Lavas make runecrafting about 70k+ an hour


although they are both very click intensive and much less exp compared to RS3 methods and the 2nd is a bit of a loss.
>seren stones
>never runs out of ore
>the ore fucking STACKS
>even if it didn't theres a bank about 2 seconds away :^)
>AND you get shit tons more xp than its OSRS counterpart
The two are incomparable. RS3 has no grind. It has AFK.
World of Tanks is pretty comfy imo. Hearthstone as well (pls no bully)
Seren Stones aren't the best exp for mining on RS3 and yeah there's a lot of AFK/Daily/Bonus EXP bullshit but you're still grinding regardless

>AHK cheaters

what are windows mouse keys
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Total war is maximum robot
>shit AI
>AI cheats in the management mode
>creates stacks out of thin air
>impossible to quickly expand without a mod that lessens unrest
>multiplayer is full of cheeser dogs

>what are windows mouse keys
It is literally not possible to achieve those xp rates without AHK, and no, mouse keys don't come close either and you're an idiot for thinking they're essentially the same thing.
it may be broken but it's still comfy and autistic as fuck

>tfw poring over every detail of a battle in 0.1 x speed
It is possible to achieve the same exp rates with windows mouse keys doing 3 tick mining I never said anything about cleaning herbs.
I really loved playing Medieval II when I was a kid, but I lost the discs and I can't find a torrent for it anywhere. It fucking sucks, I really loved that game. There were so many cool mods for it. I remember that my computer was so shitty that it'd crash whenever I tried to siege a city, so I'd try to lure the armies outside the cities and attack them on the fields. I also just loved playing with those Timurid elephants in the custom battle thing. I'd get hundreds and hundreds of militia men and plow through them with like a handful of my war elephants.
>shit ai
>creates stacks out of thin air
>AI cheats in the management mode
Literally every strategy game ever

I'm sorry strong ais are just sci-fi anon, you will have to wait a few dozen years.

>impossible to quickly expand without a mod that lessens unrest
>waah im bad at video games

>multiplayer is full of cheeser dogs
>playing multiplayer
>It is possible to achieve the same exp rates with windows mouse keys doing 3 tick mining
No it's not. Not for a full hour.

The exact same guy in those videos you linked admitted during one of his streams that most of his AHK scripts aren't 1:1 because his fingers hurt too much otherwise. He just does it for his videos so Jagex won't ban.

>admits that the AI cheats
>uses "bad at games" as an argument in a game that cheats
>get good
>beat AI anyway
Problem, shitter?
That was in direct response to 'Its to hard to expand and I need a cheat mod for it' when it isnt.
Yes it is, it wouldn't be any more intensive because the only things you would use in an AHK script for 3 tick mining exactly mimic windows mouse keys.

>autumn elegy saying his scripts aren't 1:1

Proof? We both know that's bullshit.
Terraria. It's my comfy jam. I love that game like nobody's business.

I also love playing The Secret World. Just nice relaxing fun.

just wish I had someone to play with.
Just ask around faggot. Obviously no one was already recording his stream in the hopes that he would just randomly incriminate himself. Are you retarded?

Bottom line is RS3 is unplayable shit and you're trying to run damage control so that people looking at an /r9k/ thread at 5:30 am might consider joining your dead game. You're pathetic. Kill yourself.
>feels so strongly about a failed britbong browser MMO that he tells someone to kill themself

Kill yourself
You have refuted nothing you hilariously biased retard. Kill yourself.
>Just ask around

Okay so you lied and aren't able to support anything you've said.


That poster isn't me.

I'm sorry I've upset you so much.
And you have yet to prove that it's possible to get 120k mining xp/hr with just mouse keys. It is not. Are you not able to support this claim?
The only part of the AHK script you use for 3 tick mining is drop down and left click which are both part of windows mouse keys.
Nope it's faster with AHK. You can't get the full 120k without AHK.
How is it faster with AHK? It's not any different?

The video I gave you of Autumn Elegy doing 120k+ was with only using drop down and left click on AHK.
Yes that's right, he was using AHK to get 120k an hour in that video. You can't do that with mouse keys.
Idk, haven't played 3, just 2 and 4. I kinda missed the 3 era so I jumped right on 4. I just made a beautiful pool and I finally feel brainwashed and don't think about my depressions when I play it.
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Holy shit this thread has been a trip.

You retards arguing about mining XP doesn't obscure the fact that RS3 is literally the worst iteration of runescape that Jamflex has every shit out.

You people are delusional.
You're not saying how it's "faster" with AHK.

The functions he are using are the same as mouse keys.

Here's a video of someone using drop down and left click with windows mouse keys.



I agree that RS3 is inferior to 07
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Risk of Rain is maximum comfy. When I still lived at home with my mother, I would spend entire nights playing one game, rerunning it over and over to see how many items, how OP, how high a level I could get. Its extremely fun, and rather fun if you can find friends to play with.

How 2 git gud at Cities?

I really love the game but I'm just retarded when it comes to layout. I don't know how to plan ahead, and all my cities end up looking rather bland.
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>Runescape autistics ruin yet another discussion with their autism
I swear to god no game has a more autistic, underaged faggot fanbase.
>I agree that RS3 is inferior to 07
Finally you admit it. Cya retard.
I said it in my first post maybe you should learn to read.
And maybe you should learn to suck my cock instead of being an rs3 apologist.
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to be good at the game itself, learn the mechanics

making it look good is about thinking about realism. If you just zone a shitload of high density everywhere you always end up with a generic megacity like Chicago. Put a square here and there among the less dense property.
Happy scaping hope to see you around
w327 mage bank right now faget
want to add me anon
i only have terraria
Puzzle pirates
Originali sphaggeti
if you prefer OSRS over RS3 you are LITERALLY a cuck
I like OSRS but I can only play as an Ironman. The community is cancer and the updates are getting worse and worse. I hate the Grand Exchange as well, ironman is perfect for me.
Try warband
boring af more than dedgaem
instance-based mmorpg are just that
>have over a year of in game time on this
>maxed when it was actually hard and training wasn't afk
>comped when that came out, about to trim
I've literally spent a stupid amount of time on this game. It's meh as far as mmo's go but I'm too balls deep to quit now.
Also, I played OSRS when it came out, not a fan of the lack of pvm mechanics. Literally just pray flick forever
the game is actually really fun though and the fights are fun
the boring part is levelling but that's literally any game
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your description sounds like something that would have a fairly large cut following imo.

i'm more into historical city-builders myself (AoE, Zeus, Ceasar) but i would definitely play your hypothetical game, never been big on war strategy.
oh shit it's a
I can't move on from osrs thread

face it fags

you're playing on a private server. No different from the fags who couldn't handle when Burning crusade was over. Chances are you don't even play that game much and just follow what the Asperger streamers do.

Newsflash bros, rs was always shit and you're just playing an unrefined tedious version. They will stop updating oldschool one day

oh, and enjoy your arthritis
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holy shit read some of these posts

This is the average player of OSRS, literal brain dead retards. They're angry at anything, and complain about EVERYTHING they don't like, they're so bitter they even complain about a game they don't even play.

Why can't you retards just farm zulrah or spend 200 hours on mining instead of shitting up this website and the runescape forums.

Can't wait until oldschool is finally shut down, would love to see the delusional idiots go crazy because their offshoot of a game was shutdown. Reminder that the chinese mining company can't even read english, so voicing any of your opinions when the topic of microtransactions comes into OSRS wont do anything. and the eventualy shutdown of that shit remake
are you fucking autistic? do you not see how rs almost died like as soon as eoc happened? osrs literally revived runescape in general you fucking retard
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another clear example of how dumb oldschool players are

It didn't revive anything, and it will be gone in a few years anyway.
I didn't quit when EOC hit, because I like the game and actually saw why it was a good change.

Anyone who quit because of EOC didnt like the game anyway.

Why are oldschool players so bitter?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VVtc8EZMUY look at how dead your game was post eoc

and yes it did revive runescape, how come after osrs was released runescape in general, both versions had a huge player boost? post eoc had like no players dipshit.

btw, enjoy your literal WoW copy combat system normie
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you have no actual points that mean anything

>btw, enjoy your literal WoW copy combat system normie
Are you implying WoW is a bad game?

Really shows you've never played runescape or WoW back when it actually was 2007

At least do one good thing and answer my question retard
>Why are oldschool players so bitter?
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This is definitely a game you can never truly quit, at least I can't. Started in 2006, got banned with a max account 2 years ago, with well over a year playtime. Took about a six month break before I got sucked back into Old School. Now after playing that for a year and a half I'm taking another break, but I know I'll be back. It's inevitable.
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E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy is the most comfiest game ever

Who am I kidding this game is balls to the wall awesome in so many ways I can't put into words.
yes everything in this Image makes sense and is related to the game
Klonoa 1 and megaman 8 for the psx are the most comfiest games I played in like 200 other games
Played this for 3 years straight
Now i don't find other games that fun, yet when i play osu! I still get bored after a while. I try to compensate for my loss of 3 years by telling myself my peripheral vison and reactions are above average.
If anyone wants a comfy game, I highly recommend Unreal Gold. Buy it on Steam/GOG when it's on sale, it'll be like $2. Or just pirate it will work fine online anyway. Patch it to the latest version from oldunreal.com. Then check out Zombie's Dead Zone Coop and Newbiesplayground Jackals' Coop. Those are both co-op which is my preferred game mode but there's also deathmatch, CTF, etc. servers. But co op is my suggestion, UT99 is better for the more competitive game modes IMO.

It was my first online game ever and I still play it. It's a very old game, released in 1998. So the only people that still play it are devoted fans, and they always treat other players with respect because they love the game and its community. I find it heart warming. A nice elderly guy I played with a lot died two years ago to this day (rest in peace OldSparky). I also was friends with an alcoholic and a benzo addict but I haven't seen her online in like 6 years ;_; I've had a lot of online pals in this game.

God, I'm embarrassed by this long rambling, autistic post but I'm going to send it anyway. This game has given me the biggest feels of any game. If anyone is interested and wants a guide to the game, reply with your Steam ID and I'll gladly introduce you to the game.
Gonna check that out. Is it on steam?
add me, I'll buy it on sale
black helicopters
Yes, Currently on sale for 2.49

I'll warn you though it's not for everyone, and take your time with the game since it requires a lot of patience.
also skill Hacking
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forgot my image

Oriiignial commment
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We will never get a mmo like this ever again.
Tyto Ecology.

UO was amazing, fuck.

>tell my guild how much i'd like a house, and the leader ends up buying me one
>house is in an ettin infested forest, constantly running upstairs and locking door before they get me
>also has a PKer who stalks the neighborhood, eventually a neighborhood watch is formed and i'm used as bait
>neighbors with higher skills go uninvisible and bombard the PKer as soon as he attacks me
>he comes back as a ghost and the dude with high ghostspeak says he's congratulating us
>we go back to the richest dude's mansion and drink booze and talk about asinine shit

Always felt bad for my friends who had to settle for free, inferior products like Runescape and Tibia.
I remember buying my first Sandstone house plot from a random dude in Britan. Right next to a mine. I spent more time decor my house than anything else.

Also, the people RPing as blacksmiths at the Blacksmith in brit
Adding you now.
This and it doesn't matter if exp rates are higher the endgame content is so much richer. Even compare the two newest bosses from each game.
Good game, but sadly most maps come with weeb music.

Nah m8 Morrowind intensifies the comfiness with the house building/decorating aspects and dank music.

>not building a badass wizard tower and keeping monsters in the basement
Typical weeb autist
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Don't have a tablet and any song I want to play is in Graveyard and the only thing that gets accepted is dogshit and repeat maps
Did you ever RP in it?
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I miss it a ton. The last of the 'old era' MMOs, with that kind of community where there's heavy discussion and helping and such.
>shroud of the avatar is a cash grab
>been in early access for 3 years
>already have plans to release 4 expansion packs that'll cost more money
stop the feels
>robot games
Pick one you god damn normies
Tfw true ending

Damn son. smashed that fucking seal with my hammer motherfucker
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>le complete same instances until all quests there are complete, then le return to the same town where you turn in your quests to the same people

Honestly both versions of RS are broken on their own way. They are great for no lifeing, but neither game requires much skill. I plays what was osrs in 2004-2007 super heavily, and was one of a few vengeance built Zerker PKers of the time then. That was, imo, the last time the game felt pure and had an actual bit of skill involved (when PKing). These days streamers have maxed accounts and so much gold they can buy new released items at massive make ups, and the community sucks big time. It's just not the same as it once was. Nothing is new, and people now have entire websites dedicated to archived information. Back when I was DMing north of edge, half the people didn't even know what vengeance was..

End rant.
Also, I find Blizzards new FPS overwatch to be very "comfy" it's nice to have a game where team work group play is so heavily rewarded.
Hey, you should ask around on the /vg/ Terraria general if there's still a server, they're pretty nice people.

Might be dead though, I'm not sure if it picked up with the new update or not.
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The Sims 1, or any Sims game but mostly the Sims 1. I don't even make myself in it, I make a whole new family and watch them grow.
>team work group play
>hey everyone press Q at the same time
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Eastern Eurobots can relate.
anyone know a good server to play on?
Anyone ever played King of Dragon Pass?
The problem with Wurm is that the building/crafting part has since been surpassed by pretty much every single one of those stupid survival games like Rust/7daystodie/etc. And it doesn't really have anything else.
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