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How come I can never just... relax? Even on a day where I have
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chill cat.jpg
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How come I can never just... relax? Even on a day where I have nothing planned, I can't bring myself to just chill.

Anyone else have this problem?
I know exactly what you mean OP. Like you can't just slow your mind down and keep a deep breath. Things just won't "slow down"?
Keeps me up for days at a time. I can't rest because of this constant tension.
Yup and that's a comfy ass cat you got here lad. What is your sleep schedule and have you tried switching up your diet?
have a drink, op.
Weekends were meant for that but instead theyre used for catching up on life
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Same problem here OP

I can't relax, i have nothing going on, but it just feels that there is so much shit i need to do and days just go on and i feel like im in rush all the time and i cant just chill. It sucks
probably because you don't work hard enough to know what it feels like to relax

before i got daignosed with adhd i would constantly be stress and have anxiety bcuz it was the only thing that let me get stuf done. when you have adhd you only get the urge to do things when u havet o thats why procrastinate so much. so i had to put myself into that "urgency" 24/7.
all day long i would think to myself what i was going to do that day. my BP was high as fuck from all the stress. funny enough when i started taking meds my BP went down.
My experience is that you have to have something to distract you and then your mind can let go.

If you just idle, the chattering in your head will fill the void.
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>Anyone else have this problem?
Yeah. The only time I can really unwind is when my mood is right, so rarely, and I'm drunk. Everything I do that isn't directly productive for someone else makes me feel somewhat guilty and anxious. For instance, if someone were to randomly come into my place and see me lying down on the bed, reading, I'd feel bad that I was reading and not doing something else more "productive" for society. This is partially why I only ever feel as though I'm able to do anything as the day becomes night, when people aren't out and about. It's kind of retarded, I guess.

I don't know how to relax, basically.

>this constant tension
That's probably the best way to point it.
Even when I was working full time, people started calling me a robot, behind my back, because I worked enough to fill the roles of 3 or 4 people, which is in fact what I did. By the I gave notice for resignation I found out that they were getting in four new guys to train up and replace me.
Your statement may be accurate for some but I am a little sceptical as to how accurate it would be for robots. Maybe you're right.
It's stress.

Smoke some weed.
Brilliant anon. What's next, just be yourself?
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I've tried that. Surprisingly, it gives me this weird sensation of having my bell rung and makes my ears ring. Of course, it was a sativa, but I still like being able to function after I smoke.


I wish that was the case. I'm a full-time student and part-time medical assistant. I feel like I'm always working on something, even when there's down-time.


I sleep alright, honestly. I actually just bought a new mattress (nice and firm) and I've noticed a sincere change in my energy levels in the morning... then the stress kicks in.
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