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Is there ANYTHING on this green earth that is more annoying than
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rage face.jpg
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Is there ANYTHING on this green earth that is more annoying than a white knight/mangina?

>Be in BDSM relationship.
>gf addresses me as 'Master' when in private.
>Heading through the library, each picking some stuff up.
>She comes over to me, says that she's done picking out what she wanted, and yeah, "master" is in there.
>This guy looks to be almost as wide as he is tall, smells funny ,and has what looks like pieces of fish sticking out of his scraggly facial hair.
> fucking bellows that this is no way for an "impeccable lady" should treat any man, and that she's far better than that.
>Also calls me a 'brute' although by this point I was too busy snickering to really make out everything he was saying.
>Just kind of ignore him beyond chuckling, gather up my gf, and walking to check out our books.
>He follows along for a bit, haranguing both of us, before a library lady tells him to be quiet.

It was a weird mix of surreal, horrifying, and hilarious.
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More like maybe you shouldn't be such a normal fag who puts his disgusting degenerate fetishes out in public

Pic related: you and your "slave"
There was this one guy who went to my high school, who had a neck beard that looks like pubes, was fat, and would constantly ramble about "the bloodgod." I only ever talked to him to hear the batshit insane stuff that would seep from his mouth. He ended up getting in trouble for straight up punching some kid. Never saw him again after that...
>gf addresses me as 'Master' when in private.
Fucking sweet. Supposedly this can make women really happy... I really couldn't pull it off though (not by a long shot).
Hard to believe that cliches like that exist for real.
Are you pulling this out of your ass anon?
I'm neckbeardy in a lot of ways but I started shaving correctly just because of people like that.
I know a whiteknight type in real life. I think whiteknights are just attempting to be the "nice guy", I really hate that stupid personality type.
>"Hurr durr I'm a nice guy, must defend and protect any womyn whether they like it or not"
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>its an "OP posts his weird fetish fantasy on /r9k/" thread again
>in private.
>the library
Degeneracy knows no bounds.
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You're a pillar of salt.
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