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Steps towards improving your "life"
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Listen up fags! Being a 20 year old and having spent the past 3 years in NEETdom,social ostracization,borderline obesity, suicidal depression, and virginity I have finally solved all these problems(I shit you not) by realising that "spending all my life in my room and browsing 4chan won't find me education,a gf or health" so I did the following
1)Stopped Eating bad food(you know pizza,Chips that kind of shit)
2)Joined an MMA gym (received a lot of ass kicking but learned to dish out as well) and became as of currently almost Chad tier
3)Started studying in order to get accepted into university and do something in my life
4)Started to socialize and going to Bars and Clubs where I managed to get laid (and nearly got Chlamydia)
5)Keep good relations with everybody (family,teachers everyone) to ensure future opportunities

That all stated last summer and now I pretty much became a normal person, (met a girl which currently is my 8/10 gf,Entered the department of chemical engineering in my country's best university,got good-looking)do the same annons it's not difficult once you believe it...
Congratulations on coming out of your shell, Chad. We're proud of you.
>taking life advice from a kid

nah LMAO
Man have I spent some fucked up days in my life
a fucked up kid that turned his life around
Please anon, keep this thread alive I must go shopping, is there a way to talk with you in the future? I'm also working on what you managed to achieve.
Still me, if you can also give me more details on step 4.
Do you have any friends? Or even associates that may plan stuff like that? Join them, go to events, revive old friendships thats an easy way to do so... Don't go anywhere alone or you'll be seen as a weirdo, you have to establish a group of your own
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CHAD eats PIZZA and FUCKS all the hot STACEY that you can't even get in your DREAMS while you ABSTAIN from INDULGING in nice tasting PIZZA.

You CANNOT out-train or out-work BETA genetics.
You also have to learn to captivate people when you talk, be informed on sports,politics,movies,music even gossip... But most importantly believe your bullshit(if you have to do so) when saying it
Chad also works out hard not only eats pizza... And you have to make the best of what you have
>plain cheese pizza
what a sad life
Good goyim. We need more wagecucks like you.
Thanks, I know some people, the captivating part is gonna be hard.
I'm not a wagecuck as I don't have a job (yet), I'll start as a freshman next September at Chemical Engineering department in University
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to improve your life you need to vote to define robotdom

I can't fucking take it anymore.

You guys where successfull ONCE and only ONCE in making a shooter. You know what? I think that just proves it. All this depression shit? All these feels? You're all normalfags. I'm not even gonna use the new age term normie. You all have something to live for. Family, money, job. I bet most of you are 6ft please. You're all weak. Buy a fucking gun and shoot some people. PLEASE. Hell if you have prep time start target practicing or work out on dodging cop bullets. Please. Just buy a fucking gun now.

Im dead serious. I will make this happen if none of you dont have the pair to do it. Give me a couple of months, until Dec 24-25 2016 this year. Mark my fucking words. You're all going to reply to this post with MEMES ans SHITPOSTS, do whatever you want. I

Two very motivational sneaky motherfuckers you can see are Jordan Belfort(Wolf at Wall St. Kike) and Frank Underwood (from House of Cards)
I did all those things too.

>barely drink any soda. Zero processed foods. Zero candy. Cook my own meals often.
>been lifting for 4 years now. Can bench press 110% of my own body weight. Drink two protein shakes after every workout. Workout five days a week for at least an hour.
>go out and do things like see ballets and go to bars where people ignore me and shut down any conversation I try to initiate
>already a college grad. Still reading books and learning new languages, though.
>treat everyone with courtesy and respect. Even people I dont like such as SJWs.
>sent out five job applications over the weekend and spent four hours doing another one yesterday, properly formatting my email and retyping my cover letter. I've been turned down from every employer this year even though I wear three piece suits and the dumbest normie smile to every interview.

Know how many friends I have? Zero. Know what my job prospects are? Nothing.

You'rr happy now because you think you're on the road to success. Wait until you reach the end of that road and find out there's nothing waiting for you. No girlfriend. No friends. No job. No happiness.
you lying little twerp

youre a shit, and this is coming from 27 y o neet
I'm actually not even 20 yet, my birthday is next week I'm currently 19
fuck 0ff newfag
I've been in 4chan for at least 2 years, on /pol/ mostly and sometimes /b/
So I guess I should give everything up and spent the rest of my life in my parent's basement?
The thing is guys try to do something, even a wagecuck job is better than sitting in your ass all day not doing anything and being a penniless cuck whose parents support him
theres only one step for me: "do something".

make this your only repeating mantra, thought and action.

im dead inside and feel hopeless and hollow., but i just force myself to keep doing things. i hate it, but the only alternative is rotting in my room, whicih means the same to me.. but at least doing something gives me "something" to do. some guidance or rule to live by. without that id have nothing.

do enough things for long enough and a "life" will build around you.. like other people or just shit you do.. chores.. i dunno

everything is shit and you can either do nothing or do something and its basically the same anyway
> a wagecuck job is better than sitting in your ass all day
see i disagree here. doing nothing is easier. and both are equally meaningless.. especially if you're past caring about "yourself" or your mood.

i do this >>29461874
not because its better. but just because both mean the same to me.. its just that "do something" gives me a guide or rule. without that i wouldn't have the slightest idea of what to do in life, because doing nothing makes you confused and lost. at least having a mantra of "do something" i have a rule.. although both actions are equally as disappointing and shit.
Actually no! By doing something you might actually set up a family and have a real reason to live for Children! That might be successful one day and thank you for it
>whicih means the same to me.. but at least doing something gives me "something" to do.
I don't feel compelled to do anything. Zero motivation.
Yes it is... Assuming you have no one in your life, who's going to pay rent,food,water,electricity,internet and the doctor for you?
It wouldnt make any difference either way.

No matter what you do you'll always be at the mercy of a society that doesnt give a single fuck about you.
Don't you have dreams? Or even an ideal situation in mind? Work towards them
Sure I have an ideal me. But I have no drive to achieve it. I feel nothing
I'd rather be at the mercy of society with a 60k $/a year and a 150 square meter house in good neighborhood with a nice wife and a couple of kids than leeching off my parents retirement money as they die
to add on to point 4, for some of you, the most ruthless cucking you will ever receive will be from yourself.
At least try and you might feel something good on accident

hodgetwins are funny asf
True, that's the main gate to cuckdom
Post a pic of yourself to prove it and your not some shitposter
Not going to post no pics of my self especially on 4chan... Think of me whatever you like
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