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Have you abandoned porn organically? One theory of porn is that
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Have you abandoned porn organically?
One theory of porn is that if we watch a lot of it we will look at sicker and sicker stuff until only evil and illegal acts get us off. Plenty of serial killers cite porn addiction as a factor in their situation.
I am getting quite close to wizard status. I've never really attempted NOFAP or NOPORN, doubting the benefits of either. About the closest I'll get to that is abstaining for a few days just for the purposes of a more pleasurable orgasm.
I've beat it to traps, to bdsm, nothing too crazy. But recently you know what gets me off? Just fantasies of vanilla sex with girls I meet. Maybe sometimes a threesome.
I think I've sort of hit my limit and gone back to basics.

I was curious if this has happened to any of you and thought my blog post might be of some comfort to younger guys worried about where their porn habit is going.
bundy only cited that because he was a sociopath who wanted an excuse

as for you, my bet is that you're over 30 and your hormone levels are falling
>only fap to hentei
>real human beings are ten times better
>tfw human fetish
I was watching these videos like DAMBUSTER on pornhub.
The premise is the video starts you off with women and then traps start getting mixed in. Then regular dudes show up and by the end you're beating off to nothing but dudes.
It was kind of exciting and "dangerous" to feel like I'm being converted to full-blown faggotry.
It took me a few goes to make it to the end of a video. I'd get my fill and finish early.
One night I decided to make it to the end and did. Did I feel like a proper faggot? Did I have an identity crisis?
Not really. I felt kind of bored and done with those videos. Kind of bored with traps too.
I don't think faggot porn is going to be a new frontier for me.
It's a myth because of ted bundshit. If anything, watching too much porn makes you vanilla.
Ive never ventured past anything more taboo than ebony porn and im 26.
Masturbating to a loli sucking a fat cock is such an amazing reward, you'll find that porn addicts will be a lot less motivated after the fap session. This is because their brain gets used to the dopamine released via porn (and also because masturbation releases other shit that makes you tired, thinking that you've just reprocuded).

What does this mean? Fapping to this shit more and more will degrade your willpower, make you tired all the time, and seek more powerful orgasms. (just check out /gif/, the people on there have been destroyed by hundreds of sexual partners each fap session, your mind essentially thinks you've reporduced with all the femmes in each gif, and now they constantly have cuck threads, cock threads (seriously, like 80% of participants say they're not gay, they probably aren't, just sex addicted), fucking foreskin threads, and BBC threads.

It feels good that I can post shit like this without having to take a fap break now.
It didn't help that a lot of these faggot conversion videos put stuff in about turning you into a tranny.
Why would wanting to be a tranny follow from a curiosity about fucking a tranny?
And lots of them have stuff about black dicks in them. Blacks have unaesthetic cocks, to be honest, as well as generally being inferior to whites.
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If you don't watch porn you're not a real man.
>Tfw never voluntarily watched porn in my entire life
>tfw masturbate just for the pure feeling itself
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We were made to please huge, ebony, glistening, wet, powerful, cum-filed, thick, man-musky, and delicious black cocks. Never forget your place, anon :)
>One theory of porn is that if we watch a lot of it we will look at sicker and sicker stuff until only evil and illegal acts get us off

This only seems true if you have an inherent shame attached to porn/believe that you're getting corrupted. For a while I believed I was a filthy, disgusting degenerate and only making it worse and write with each fap. Descended into extreme femdom, like scat and simulated snuff even.

Gradually I got used to it and didn't see it as a corrupting influence that was making me perverted. Now I'm back to mostly-vanilla hentai.
Looks like a condom with a fat shit in it.
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Submit, my friend. I know you want to please this as much as I do, it's in our genes :)
>One theory of porn is that if we watch a lot of it we will look at sicker and sicker stuff until only evil and illegal acts get us off.
I'm not sure why this happens to some people. Weak will?

I know what I like and I've been consistent with it, I've not gone down that spiral of needing more and more graphic images to get off.

I think some people just have addictive personalities and the need to go to the extreme.
I started off with diaper and age regression porn and got plainer with age. So I don't really subscribe to the idea your porn taste only gets wierder really OP.
>we will look at sicker and sicker stuff

I don't think that's true. I've been looking at porn for over 10 years and still only really like softcore.
I wonder if there would be more or less degeneracy if voyeurism was common?
For instance, some 20-something guy is into traps. What if you put him in an irl room with a trap doing a dildo show?
I'm betting most of those guys would leave thinking
>that was fucking gross. I guess I'm not really into traps.
Repeat this with all fetishes the individual has, as early as possible without causing psychological damage.
I jerked off the escalating types of porn. Was a virgin foreveralone until a couple years ago.

Have a girlfriend now and it takes me a while to cum during sex. I think all the porn had an impact on me. I've been scaling back my porn use significantly as a result. Not just in how often I jerk off, but also in what kind of stuff I'm willing to watch.
Does jerking off take the same amount of time? It takes me longer, these days.
That's what I also think, that and they never divesify what they fap to. They stay exclusively 3D. They stay exclusively 2D. They stay exclusively completely vanilla.
Is it any wonder they turn into a bunch of annoying furry gays for instance? They are boring, so they decided 'fuck having standards gimme the poop'
>remember when boku no pico seemed disgusting
>now fap to it on the reg

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