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Do you sometimes ask yourself what is the root cause of your
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Do you sometimes ask yourself what is the root cause of your condition? What could of been avoided in your childhood/teens so that you could of had a normal life?
It's a bunch of roots that grew the tree of fail that is my life.
Not having parents to help me overcome my fears and worries, had to load with their own too
anon you should be a poet
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If you do not have some debilitating chronic illness you are pathetic, and no, acne and obesity and 'social anxiety disorder' does not count there are just more fag excuses
Now that was kind...
cancer is just a fag excuse too you weakling

>falling for the cancer shill
>could of

Not listening in English class, for you.
I was born this way. Nothing could've changed it. There is no even that caused my depression, it was decided as soon as I was made.
>What could of been avoided

Avoiding things was / is my problem.

So I guess I could have avoided avoidance.
Be born tall good looking Chad in a rich influential family.
>have cancer
>waste your time on /r9k/
wew lad that's retarded
if my older brother hadnt convinced me i was a shitty person and should die because he didn't like me being born i probably would have been an okay person.
You also could have avoided avoiding oysters.
How bout
>mom is clinically insane
>raped as a child
>dependant on blood transfusions due to thalassemia
Narrow perspective caused by lack of experience. Now that I've recently gotten a few experiences, I realize my state isn't as bad as I thought it was.
I guess being bullied all the way to junior high contributed to the eventual indifference towards peer acceptance. Then, as I no longer cared for having friends (whom I regarded as immature), I started browsing the interwebs and it devoured me.

Now I have no social circle or hobbies. I just work, lurk the web and study occasionally.
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