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If I could kill all adult women, I would. You fucking bet your
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File: adorable girl.jpg (73 KB, 500x859) Image search: [Google]
adorable girl.jpg
73 KB, 500x859
If I could kill all adult women, I would. You fucking bet your booty I would. And the fact that they're so fucking jealous of cute, young, energetic girls fills me with rage to no end. Ever notice how the #1 haters of things like Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus (when she was young and qt), and emos are ALWAYS these ugly as fuck women. It's because they're fucking jealous. They sell their souls so they can become a fucking whore and blend in. They've watched every makeup tutorial in existence, changing everything about themselves in a pathetic attempt to acquire men. They intentionally removed themselves from the vigor and quirks of their youth. They try and try so hard to rid themselves of the emotions and life that make us human, just because they've convinced themselves that being a shell of their former selves is the only way to get guys.

And then, they turn on the TV and see these cute young girls, just being themselves and doing their thing, yet attracting a herd of fanboys begging for their pussy. Wouldn't you be fucking pissed too? After all that research, after all those other women telling you that these are the women guys hate. And yet these girls have boys fawning over them, just by being themselves. Wouldn't you be fucking pissed? All that research, down the drain! You sold your soul for nothing! But, of course, they'll never admit that cute tween girls are better than them. And so, they attack these cute girls to protect their cognitive dissonance.

>T-they're sluts D:

I hate adult women so much. So spiteful. So full on hate. Void of everything that adds to the human experience. Kill them and let me piss on their graves.
>And then, they turn on the TV and see these cute young girls, just being themselves and doing their thing
Oh, Jimmy. You still have much to learn, my boy.
>And then, they turn on the TV and see these cute young girls, just being themselves and doing their thing

File: maximum over bait.gif (561 KB, 625x626) Image search: [Google]
maximum over bait.gif
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let us now ask ourselves a question
usually the haters of those pop stars are 12 yr old girls because they dated their favorite member of a boy band..

Back in high school and Jr. High, there was an endless supply of cute girls I could fall in love with. They were cute, skinny, and optimistic with this type of energy that just forced you to fall in love with them. They were the types of girls who you could genuinely be friends with, you could have a good time with them AND date them. They were everything I could ever want in a girl and more. And then high school ended. The second I enter the adult would, BAM. These cute and endearing girls turned into gross, fat, ugly, slutty old WOMEN with caked on makeup. Why the fuck do adult women think that working out and having some muscles tone on their arms gives them the right to be a fat fuck? I fucking hate adult women. Everything about them makes me sick and pisses me off. Is there something about the female brain that makes girls turn to shit the second puberty ends? At what time do girls go from cute young girls to gross old women? I miss all the skinny, horny cuties who would pretend not to be starring at my package in Jr.High. The types with those cute, rock hard little bodies with the slight breast buds on their chest, not an inch of fat on their belly. They'd be on top of me, their heart thumping in their hard little chest, tongue in my mouth, so so happy that they finally got a guy to make out with them. Eager, but at the same time, scared to push the limits for fear I would make them stop. They were perfect. And they're fucking illegal to me now because adult women know they can never compete with the simple beauty that is a teenaged girl.

I hate, HATE adult women. I hate how they put on a fake persona to be "cool". I hate how they abandoned their old personalities to become something so disgusting for the sake of being "cool". I just hate them.

Watch, you're all going to call me a pedophile now and post some gross, flabby adult women and scream THESE ARE BETTER HURR. Well, I don't give a fuck.
there are some adult women who keep their looks
and honestly every girl is getting fat now, even the younger ones, obesity is rising.
i prefer soft over hard (not fat, just something to grab), but i can see your point.
basically i just hate fat people, just seeing them makes me angry.
this is clearly outdated copy pasta. the mention of taylor swift is a giveaway. she's not even close to how she used to be 5 years ago.
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