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Let's say that you have no family or friends and have nothing
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Let's say that you have no family or friends and have nothing to live for. Would suicide be a viable option? I had a very bad day today. I was sitting alone (as usual, I don't have any friends) during lunch, when this person came up to me and told me to go kill myself. I feel he is right, I have nothing and nobody to live for. What do I do? I am only almost done HS and I am already starting to fear for my future. It looks very bleak.
I tried therapy, to no avail. None of the resources worked. Nobody will care if I die. What can I do to find others who care? I don't want to immediately end my life, I want to find happiness. I haven't been happy my whole life.
Suicide is always viable, do what you feel is best in the given moment.
whats the least painful way to go out?
Don't suicide, not yet, you're still young.However, if your life is still the same in a few years, then do it.
happiness is a pretty lofty goal. i doubt many people, if any, achieve that. most look stressed and worried, even in marriage their partner turns out to be the source of their hate

id aim to just be interested in something, or have some things you find peace in

if you only just finished HS your brain hasn't even finished developing. that happens around 25.
dont worry what you're worrying about now is nothing compared to what the real world has to offer in terms of thing to live for
Ugh, another underage cunt.

Are you terminally ill? Physically debilitated? Suffering brain damage?

If the answers are "no", then don't kill yourself.

There's a 99% chance that your depression is caused by your environment, specifically your parents, siblings and schoolmates.

When you graduate highschool, get a job, save a little money and move out and away.
Then you'll find out life isn't that bad. Especially for someone living in a rich first world country and suffering from no health issues.
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Short of this I would say hanging is the most surefire method provided that you can do it in a secluded place with a strong enough rope/fixture.
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